Highest take home pay 2917, time: 04:00

Day 2,917, 04:17 Published in USA USA by ComputerSpeaker

First and foremost, Join the Black Sheep Party

romania market wage 87 take home 82.65

greece market 87 take home 82.65

serbia market 86.15 take home 81.84

poland market 83.50 take home 81


USA market 89.30 take home 75.90

In my other article I thought prices were going to drop because I had read WO did not support spending and did not support high taxes. However I must have been mistaken. I wish someone would have corrected me because I sold all my weps thinking the prices were going down. We went to war with a country, we spent a lot of money, and the other country spent a lot of money. Therefore prices have risen a bunch.

Because I did not gain a lot of money I will suggest the following out of my anger 🙂

I still support the idea of peace time production of weapons, and stock piling the weapons until war time. we saw prices go from 10.90 to 13.50. If the usa government had stockpiled a bunch of weapons at 10.90 and supplied them to soldiers when prices got to 13.50 we could have saved our citizens 20%! Like during WW2, they had to turn a lot of factories into weapon production facilities to produce the weapons needed for war. Now we produce weapons all the time so that we have them ready for war! I feel the USA stockpiling cash to buy weapons during war hurts us as we see the usa would have had to stockpile 20% more money if it were going to sustain a war!

Here is a paper looking at the peace time vs war time production and storage of weapons. If you are so interested.

I will supply everyone with 1-4 q7 weps and maybe 0-40 q6 food, if you comment. the higher quality the comment, the more applicable to the article. the more items i will give you!