Have You Ever Been to Electric Jizzieland?

Day 475, 10:29 Published in South Africa Sweden by Jizzie McGuire

Hello my sexy friends. This is just a short but outta sight message from your new prez regarding all the groovy things we have going down. Dig it?

First of all, let me give a shout out to our new Department of Funk and the cool dude heading it up, the Funkmaster himself. He'll be in charge of keeping things Fresh and Funky around here so that South Africa does not lose its cool.

I would also like to than Lucien Morjuet and his eSAHC for all the fine work he has done for eSouth African citizens. He is a true hero of eSouth Africa and I hereby bestow upon him the highest civilian award that eSouth Africa can offer - The Order of Ikamanga (RSAOI). Congratulations, Mr. Morjuet. That medal looks mighty sexy on you, I must say.

Now to business. All of the ministers I appointed have accepted their posts (see my previous Sexy Cabinet article for details on the positions and appointments) and have begun assuming their duties. Our Ministers of Public Affairs and Security have both posted reports already and I have spoken with the others about what they need to be doing. Hopefully, we will be receiving reports back from them soon.

It is still too early to report any major progress, but we are actively pursuing negotiations with Indonesia as well as certain other nations that would like to help us free the occupied lands through other means. We also have some trade deals that might work out well for our industry as well as our defenses. Again, those talks are not at a stage where I can say much about their success or failure, however. Hopefully Mr. Silver and Mr, Vellos will soon have good news to report regarding these discussions. I can say that the congratulatory messages I sent out to many of the new presidents around eR were received quite well, particularly from Spain, US, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Ireland, Argentina and even Indonesia. Spain has been particularly keen on closer relations, and I hope we pursue this relationship further.

As Minister of Justice, Mr. Banko has chosen an excellent panel which accurately reflects the make-up of our current Congress and has already begun the process of examining and re-evaluating our Constitution. I am thankful to him for putting together such a qualified team in so little time. I also look forward to hearing more about this necessary but sexy endeavor.

So far things have been rather quiet for our CoS and VP, but I suspect this will change as the Ministries really get into their work and things start rolling.

That's it for now, South Africa. Now let's relax and enjoy some sexy, funky sounds...

Have you ever been to Electric Jizzieland?
The magic carpet waits for you so don't you be late
Oh, (I wanna show you) the different emotions
(I wanna run to) the sounds and motions
Electric woman waits for you and me
So it's time we take a ride, we can cast all of your hang-ups over
the seaside
While we fly right over the love filled sea
Look up ahead, I see the loveland, soon you'll understand.