Guerrilla Fight

Day 2,291, 00:32 Published in Israel Israel by Admiral General Mickey
Guerrilla Fight

Pre-Fight Actions

Armaments - Before you enter a guerrilla fight you may need to arm your citizen.
Arming your soldier is available through the guerrilla fight inventory.

Energy check - Before entering a guerrilla match, the energy availability should be checked.


Accuracy - Modifies the chance to hit your target.
Agility - Determines the distance you can move in one turn. The default value is 200 Meter.
Enemy Distance - Your distance from the enemy (range).
Ideal Range - The weapon has maximum chances of hitting when fired from the ideal range.
Armor - You can receive an amount of damage equal to the armor rating before energy lose.

Conditions For Guerrilla Fight

∙ Guerrilla fights will be available only if the domination points are under 1400.
∙ Guerrilla fights will be available after defeating 5 enemies in the battlefield.
∙ If there is no other citizens looking for an enemy, you'll have to wait until one will come.
∙ You must have at least 100 energy in order to participate in a guerrilla match.

Joining The Fight

After defeating 5 enemies, you are able to access the guerrilla fight by clicking the "join fight" button which located in the bottom of the left side of the screen. After clicking on it, a search for a rival will start.

∙ You will be fighting against a player with the closest guerrilla experience to yours (matches played).
∙ You may not find a rival, but you will be able to scout for opponents again.

Pre-Fight Screen

After accessing a guerrilla fight, a screen which shows comparison between you and your rival will be shown. You will access the fight with a maximum of 100 energy.

Damage bonus - every player gets a damage bonus according to his ratio of victories and losses

∙ 0 Bonus Damage: Win/loss ratio is less than 1.
∙ 1 Bonus Damage: Win/loss ratio is between 1-1.99.
∙ 2 Bonus Damage: Win/loss ratio is 2 or more.

The Fight

The fight is divided to rounds. Every player can perform 1 action/round. A round lasts 12 seconds.
There are 5 basic actions a player can perform during a guerrilla fight:

Fire - shoot with the equipped weapon.
Move - get farther or closer to your enemy.
Dodge - lowers the opponent's hit chance. If a grenade is present it will be used.
Reload - when you run out of ammo the "fire" button will turn into "reload" button.
Change Weapon - opens the weapons list (weapons you've equipped).

∙ The minimum hit chance is 8%.
∙ The maximum hit chance is 90%.
∙ Dodging lowers the opponent's hit chance by one third

Fight Results

∙ The first player to lose all of his energy is defeated.
∙ In case of a draw, the player who dealt more damage wins.
∙ Energy that is not lost during a match is returned to the total energy.

∙ The winner deals 100% of the maximum damage he would inflict with 100 energy, using Q7 weapon.
∙ The winner deals an additional damage according to the energy his opponent lost (100% using Q7).

∙ The loser deals 100% of the maximum influence he would inflict with the energy he lost (Q7).
∙ The loser deals an additional damage according to the energy his opponent lost (50% using Q7).

∙ Killing your rival, whether you win or lose the match, will be resulted with 10% damage bonus.
∙ Damage boosters and natural enemy bonus are taken into account on the final damage of a match.
∙ Player will receive rank points according to the amount of damage added to the influence bar.
∙ Damage dealt by guerrilla counts for achievements and id added to prior damage dealt in the battle.
∙ The winning player receives one item as reward. The item however, cannot be a special one.

Guerrilla Stats

You can check for guerrilla fight stats by accessing the profile of a citizen.
The information given is the amount of wins and losses each citizen has.

The amount of matches the citizen has won.

The amount of matches the citizen has lost.


