Growing up in eDenmark

Day 2,106, 14:54 Published in Denmark Germany by MansTrueNature

I never figured I'd bother to actually write an article, but there have been some recent events in eDenmark that I feel deserves some extra attention. It properly should have gotten it some time ago, but better late than never right?

This does not really concern our German friends directly, but in the spirit of honesty I figured I'd write this in English, so anyone can read it if they so desire.

In the past..
Many, many years ago I had a school teacher that should properly have retired long before I had the displeasure of being in her class. For some 20 years she had been teaching the same material over and over again and she just couldn't understand we still didn't "get it" after all those years. She had completely missed that we weren't the students she had started out with. Of course we didn't get it!

So what has that got to do with eDenmark you might ask?
Well, every time a new Dane starts this game there are a couple of questions that always comes up. Completely fair questions in my opinion.
-Why is Denmark occupied by Germans?
-Why isn't it Norway and Sweden we cooperate with?
I'll get to those question a little later, so keep reading if those are of your interest.

So what has my old teacher got to do new players here?
Well, in the past few months I've seen a bit of a pattern where the older players seemed to have gotten more and more tired of answering the same questions. The patience and answers grew shorter and we are now at a point where it is almost standard of accusing any new player of asking questions of plotting to do a PTO!
I'm not going to point fingers, as I've been struck by the same fatigue as well, and it's not my agenda to blame anyone anyway. I do hope with this article I can make my small contribution to insure new players are always welcomed even if they ask the same annoying questions again and again.

So why do we cooperate with the Germans and not Norway and Sweden?
Well, when I joined eRepublik about 2 years ago we where still trying our luck as an independent nation, but in the first 3 months alone we got PTO'd twice and wiped off the map completely once. From what I read here and there at the time, this was business as usual in eDenmark. Given the low player base that exists to this date, it was obvious that we needed to form a coalition with someone.

Norway and Sweden would be two natural placed to look to. We sort of speak the same language after all. The Norwegians where pretty much in the same boat as us and there was some interest from their side to form a coalition. It just never happened for whatever reason. It wouldn't have been enough between them and us at any rate.
The swedes was a mixed bag. There where some that could see the idea, but it only takes a few rotten apples to ruin the basket. Especially if one of the rotten apples is the president..

Fast forward a couple of months and more struggle for us Danes, the Germans unexpectedly approached us. They had issues of their own with their neighbors and could see the idea in forming a coalition with us. A small as we where and are, a little extra grunt can make a world of a difference. I very much thinks it was the best possible thing that could have happened to both of us.

In conclusion.
I will always stand up for the new player and defend them if I see them treated unfairly. Likewise, I will defend the decision to form Germark. It was a right decision then and it still is!
Hopefully with this article, I will have made my small contribution to insure a brighter future for everyone. Let's keep running things smoothly.

Thanks for reading.
-Lasse aka MansTrueNature