Greetings from eSlovenia!

Day 907, 11:36 Published in Turkey Slovenia by Field Marshal Milancho

Hi everybody!

I'm new ambasador of eSlovenia in eTurkey!

I've been given task, to introduce myself and my country to you, so here I am.
For any questions about me, my country in RL or eSlovenia, write me a PM.

Yesterday, late in the night, I was in your country's official chat room and met some of you. I have to say, you have been very friendly to me and i was excited to work in your country. I hope we will continue like that 🙂 .

So about Slovenia!

Slovenia has many large and beatiful forests and fields. Unfortunately in eRepublik admins didn't seem to notice all the wood and grain here, so we don't have any high resource region hehe 🙂

Anyway, people here are friendly and always for chat and help if you need them.
Slovenia also has many unique stuff, all from plants and animals to food.

Probably the most known of animals that live here is človeška ribica ("human fish&quot😉. It's a reptile and is known to live on only small part of Slovenia. There are two species: the normal, white one and the black one also known as črni močeril ("black salamander&quot😉.

One of unique food is prekmurska gibanica (funny english translation: over Mura moving cake). It's a dessert made of 10 or 11 layers of wallnuts, poppy seeds, dough and all kinds of stuff.
We are also known for many types of bread.

About plants i think it would be tisoč roža or tavžentroža ("thousand flower&quot😉. That's not it's exact name, but i can't remember the real one. Anyway, it's quite rare and grows in mountains. The name came from it's usage, it can be used for thousand of things such as tea, medicine, oil etc...

Now about me 🙂
I'm 18 year old guy from Slovenia. I live in Slovenian Littoral, a few kilometers away from border with Italy.
I like wood modelling and robotics and robotics is what i want to do in my life.
I speak quite some languages: Slovenian, English and partially German and ex-yu languages and poorly Italian. I also want to learn Japanese. Unfortunately i don't speak Turkish...

Well, this would be it about me 🙂
I know it's not much, but i don't feel like giving away personal informations about myself.
If you want to know anything, write me a PM.

I'm looking forward to living in your country and working with you.

Now a bit of "advertisement":

eSlovenia is currently working on MMM project. I'm involved in it, so i would like very much if you subscribed.
When i get to 1000 subscribers, I'll donate 5 gold to eSlovenia and another 5 to eTurkey.
My personal project is also eSlovenian babyboom!
For this purpose i made group on facebook:!/group.php?gid=117276751638241&ref=ts

I would like the word to spread, so invite your friends in the group and to join eRepublik in your country, or ours, as they wish.
For every Turkish player that joins via link in group, I will donate gold i get from him/her to eTurkey.
I know they could just join via you, but I'd like big group and many newcommers 🙂


Another hello from eSlovenia and have fun in game 😉

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