Greek Terrorist Announcement - *18/02/14*

Day 2,282, 12:16 Published in Greece Thailand by deleted smee

Greek Terrorist Announcement 18/02/14

Unfortunately, the political situation of e-Greece after the election results has caused resentment and umbrage by the government as it tries to repress a rupture between our relations with Hungary.

The purpose of this article, is the reassurance concerning the loyalty of this Terrorist and also the official statement of this Terrorist about incidents that have occurred and about his willingness to continue fighting against Hungary.

The direction of this Terrorist remains still clear, disregarding the methods that are used by the Government as a way to scare and reorient terrorist decisions.

No Terrorist in e-Greece has received orders from the government for an attack against Hungary.

This Government, which does not support hostile attitudes towards Hungary, is completely independent and as already mentioned declare their opposition to the path of this Greek Terrorist, whose only purpose is the creation and improvement of a better environment for e-Greece and also the countries that will follow e-Greece on that long path of fighting against Hungary.

This terrorist is an individual entity, and remains loyal on the relations that have been settled between the countries that stand on our side as Allies.

This Terrorist denies any connection to this Government and seeks for comprehension of the situation, from every single country that has seen signs of offensive Greek Military Units in the battles against Hungary.

We hereby state that this Terrorist should be considered as an unofficial terrorist source, and I discourage my foreign friends from taking into account unofficial voices and rumors.

Hungarian Loving Terrorist,
smee again.