Goodbye, Czech Dictatorship! Hello, France!

Day 3,371, 09:20 Published in France Armenia by The Patriot of EU

Dear camarades,

Because the dictator has said very offensive things towards me, and so has Vladislav Baloun (who to this day gets gold whenever I get gold as he invited me) I am leaving the country! My good friend azaraliiii invited me to France, so I will be changing my citizenship to French. As many of you know, I am Czech by birth and so it isn't easy to just go somewhere else, but the current regime is for me completely unacceptable. I will also no longer be sending out donations.

To the government, I write: Don't try to contact me, I will ignore all you write to me or about me. I am done dealing with El Fap and people who actually trust him.

If you ever need cheap food, you can PM me, there will be no change in that. The price of food in eCZ will never be as low as in other countries, due to the tax increase that El Fap Padre decided. Also, please PM me once democracy is restored.

And lastly, my thanks go to my friends in this country, especially Jan 007, who was very supportive of me in the past. When it comes to dead citizens, my thanks go to John White and MrFahrenheit.

I trust that you can manage this country without me, most of the government is still pretty reasonable, especially Red Duck and JanPavlat. The others I am not sure about. JanPavlat published an article about the situation, you can read that by clicking here.

Please PM me once you get rid of the dictator. Best of luck,

With Regards,