Day 863, 18:46 Published in USA USA by WORLD BANK INC

*****This article was first published in ePoland*****

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With the grand opening of EREPX, the economy of the eWorld looks to change, almost in a matter of minutes.

As we are all aware of, EREPX has gone live as of April 1st, 2010. With countless reports of EREPX's functionality, hospitality, and profitability, EREPX has many things to live up to. Upon planning, included with beta testing, there was an estimate of about 350-400 people interested in the Xchange. That was untill the night of, which bolstered a whooping 610 users loggin in to buy their stocks as fast as possible. Within the first 20 minutes of the stock exchange being open over 300 stocks were bought from BJC alone. This number may seem little, but the process of what was done is the true key to this exchange.

Many wondered what EREPX would be like, how it would hold up to ERX, and if it would live up to its hype. EREPX did more than that, way more. In fact they beat their own processing times by a good 22 hours. That's right folks, instead of the 24 or so hour period between buying the stocks and having them accepted was demolished by a fast working team of staff employed by EREPX. Instead most transactions are taking, at most, 2 hours to complete. Whats even better is the fact that the staff is planning on speeding up this process. What about functionality? Well it is more than there, with a quick check right before launch to see if everything was working properly, EREPX opened up with a proud product that they hope, holds little to no bugs. As for what can be seen now, there seems to be nothing that would cause any major error leading to the loss of gold. That is right, your gold is safe, secure, and making you money.

But how does investing work? What does it do? Why should I do it? All of these are great questions that can be answered.

First off, investing. In order to invest in a company, a player must have some amount of gold equal to what some company is selling stock for. After signing up on the site, a player must deposit money to their "stock bank" for a lack of better terms. When the player does this, he or she will be assigned a bank, one from the many tiers of banks that EREPX From here the player must go in game ** and donate the requested amount of gold to that bank. Within a short amount of time, the players money will be accepted and your EREPX bank now show the proper amount. Then the player may use this gold to buy or trade stocks.

What investing does:
When a player invests in a company, a.k.a. buying stock, he or she is saying "Hey I trust your company to make money with the money I gave you." Many companies offer dividends to their stock holders. This is what corporations or business pay to their investors. Normally the payout is every month, and it depends on the amount of profit a company achieves. But either way, the player is still getting paid to give money away.

Why invest?
A player may recieve their money back + more after a series of dividends are paid.X has created a safe environment to do this in, and a secure one.

Who are the stock tickers? Well they include the following:
Banco de Investimento
Big Johnsons Corporation
HSR group of Orgs
indian gifts
Square Pants
Titania unltd
Ultimate Inc

Each of these companies has their benefits, such as high end trading with WORLD BANK INC, to large stock numbers such as Big Johnsons Coropation. Upon clicking their respective names, the player is then taken to a page where he or she can see the interests of the company, some things about them, and the price of their stocks. A player may buy or sell stocks on this page, which is simple and effective. No player is required to buy anything they don't want, and players cant spend more than they have. No matter what lvl of player, there is no special thing for high levels, or a lower level. Which in turn means that it is an equal and opportune market for everyone to profit from. And everyone means everyone, since EREPX isn't a eUSA or an eAnything affiliated system, it doesn't limit itself to just 1 group of people. EREPX is, instead, a global movement towards financial success and profit. And because of this, everyone can look to profit.

All in all, within the first day, any company listed has seemed to grown, and anyone interested in buying stock has had the chance to do so. This new system of Xchange, has seemed to bring a new life to some companies, and to others just a simple reminder of how important investors are. If you have not taken a look at EREPX, your going to miss out on an opportunity to grow beyond the likes of any other means.

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