Germany - Victim of PTO.

Day 553, 12:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy
Political Take Over.

Following the Congressional elections, Germany has fallen victim to political take over. We don't know who is behind all this, but your guess is as good as mine...

At PTO happens when citizens from one country, lets take for example, Sweden, move into another, let's randomly say.. Germany. Then for example's sake, lets say the Swede's would vote their own people into Germany's Congress, effectively meaning they have control, or have taken over.

Using multi accounts, it seems that a large portion of German Congress are puppet's.

A small portion of the multi accounts are here:

These accounts must be reported to the Admins immediatly.

My prediction is that they have at least 17 members of Congress, all of whom are in the Buergerliche Union Party. This is 50% of German Congress.

Using there position in congress, the puppets have proposed ridiculous laws, raising weapon tax, raising the minimum wage, and emptying Germany's coffers.

This means Germany will not be able to buy weapons. This means German citizens won't be able to work, and German business will go bust. This means Germany will have no money.

This is disgusting. Destroying the economy, and armed services. This must be stopped, NOW.

You can see the chaos the stolen congress seats are causing here:

This sort of behaviour is despicable, and should not be tolerated by anyone.
I don't want to point the finger here, nothing has been confirmed, but as I have said, given the current circumstances my guess is as good as yours.

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