From West to East and back

Day 1,077, 13:37 Published in Philippines Philippines by Marie von Gablitz
Wars in World continues, so here is a little preview :

Spain VS France

Until the battle for Asturias Spain lost several regions against France, but luck is now on Spains side they defend Asturias and Madrid and conquer Castillu y Leon. Today Aragon was defended by Spain. France is very vulnerable in resistance wars and that gives opportunity for Spain to liberate Basque country.
France dont give up yet after this lost battles , so they try another attack on Castillu y Leon and reaching border with Asturias again.

Southeast Asia

More then one week ago USA started from Tibet and trough India came to Southern Thailand (wich was under Indonesian occupation) and cunquered that region.
With the moment when Southern Thailand was conquerd by USA, Southeast Asia becomes most important battlefield this days.
Southern Thailan is bordering with high oil region Peninsular Malaysia (was under Serbian occupation) and in battle for this oil region both sides EDEN and Phoenix made very high damage. After USA win Indonesia respond attacking regions S.Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia. Serbia attacks only Malaysian region Sabah what leads to Resistance War in high stone region Sarawak (original Malaysian region under Serbian occupation).


Battles in this part of world are battle for Bavaria between Germany and Italy.
Other battle is between proPhoenix Austria and proEDEN Slovakia for Lower Austria.
Slovakia has offered to Austrian government agreement to rent this high grain region for three months.
The results of that agreement are unknown but Slovakia with they allies will conquer this region with or without Austrian approval.
Romania and Hungary continue they play and the playground is Northern Hungary this time attacker is Romania.
After unsuccessful attack on Vojvodina Serbia, Croatia now have to manage resistance wars in Slovenian region Upper Carniola under they command.

Editors: Marie and Iluvatardd