Free supply around the globe! Tank and Food | Day 1939

Day 1,939, 17:53 Published in Philippines Thailand by CobraaAn

Almost every few day i will try to give you information about active supply around the eWorld.

Im selling access to the active google document with trusted information about RESISTANCE WARs which was more then 70% chance for success!!! Contact me if you are interested!

Here you can find all tutorials for eRepublik at one place! (click here)

To get those free wep and food, you need to simply:

1) vote article
2) sub article
3) write number of vote/sub in comments
4) sometimes sent friend request
5) I'm helping you, so you can help me... Vote/sub this one as well.

Here is the link of newspapers, go and get your free supply!!!

1) Food 50Q1
2) Food for sub 50Q1
3) Food 50Q1 x3
4) Wep 4Q7
5) Wep3Q7 + 50Q7 food
6) Wep1Q6
7) Wep 3Q7 for fb vote

For shout:
Free supply around the globe! Tank and Food Day 1939

Enjoy \o/

BaZ GraveDigger
Philippines Minister of Defense
Philippine Eagle Commander
Philippines Congressmen