For the Good of the People.

Day 373, 12:46 Published in USA USA by Inwegen

Thanks go out to those who supported in me in my candidacy for Wyoming Congressman. Although I didn't win, it was a chance for growth and experience. I reiterate my thanks to everyone.

Congrats to Soimu Patriei (my opponent) and all other winners for winning their elections (even with all the crazy election bugs).

I look forward to this congressional season and what comes out of this session. This session could very well be make or break for our nation. We are in times of economic struggle and we need to figure out how to bring our nation out of the economic downturn.

I call on our congressmen and congresswomen to first and foremost listen to you constituents. These people elected you to office, now you need to ask and listen for their thoughts. This goes along with my call for citizens to get involved with their parties, government, and representatives by voicing their wants and needs.

Citizens: Join parties to come together with those who share similar ideologies with you. They can help you get your policies heard in your region and to the ears of your congressional representative.

I recommend that congress increase taxes to boost the national government. I know this puts a greater financial burden on our citizens and businesses, but if the national government has more money, there will be a trickle down effect of benefits that will help the citizens and business more in the long run than their own personal financial robustness currently.

Most of all, I call on congressional representatives to stay active! I am sick of people being elected and then not living up to their responsibilities as a congressman or congresswomen. Get involved on the eUSA Legislative forums. Propose some policy on the forums to see what others think and get some activism going in the Legislature.

Also, listen to your president and president, listen to your congressional representatives. Don't follow what each other says, but listen. The most effective way to get things done is to work together not only between branches of government, but also across party lines.

We must come together in these troubled times. Our economy is faltering and must be saved. War is potentially imminent at any time now and we must hold strong for the good of the people!