For Moo

Day 898, 18:14 Published in Ireland Ireland by Edana Savage

I have been essentially two clicking for the last month. I have been dealing with a lot of RL matters that required my attention. I have always said that RL should always come before this game. Of course, I say a lot of things. 😉

I have recently been coaxed back out from the shadows by Moo. He has put together a national paper showcasing the wonderful talents of our national writers and providing a one stop for information. He has asked me to do a piece for the next issue. I'm delighted he thought of me.

Moo is a remarkable guy. He is the prime example of not allowing a disability to deter you from a goal. For those of you who are not aware, Moo is dyslexic, which makes writing particularly challenging. Instead of allowing it to stop him, he has found ways to take it head on and thrive in the process. Having a learning disability myself (dyspraxia) I understand first hand just how challenging life can be. Things people take for granted, we have to work twice as hard to succeed. It requires perseverence, dedication, and most of all courage.

My respect for Moo has grown over the last few months. First when he was party president of IFP. His organizational skills and ability to move people was exceptional. But it was when I ran against him for my first term as Country President that I truly understood what a class act Moo is. There was mudslinging from our supporters on both sides. We talked about it and decided that we would do everything we could to discourage the behavior with the understanding that neither one of us would hold the other responsible for what our supporters did. We kept it clean.

It was a close race. I only won by 7 votes. True to form, Moo congratulated me and offered his services should I need them.

Why am I writing all of this? I suppose I think Moo deserves more credit than he has been given. Maybe I just felt like writing something nice. I have long ago stopped wondering why I do things. I just go with it. lol

So here is to you, Moo. I'm lifting a pint to you. 🙂

I'm liking this. Maybe I'll do more tribute articles to people I think are great on here. 🙂


Edana Savage