First Article

Day 1,271, 09:04 Published in Ireland Ireland by Patrick O'leary

Hello eIrishmen and Women!

My name is Patrick O'Leary, and although you probably haven't heard of me, this paper will try and change that.

I started this game back in February with a RL friend. I started out as a business man, trying to work and then help eIreland with her fights. Unfortunately, my pay was not enough to buy enough food for my fighting habit. I learned that if you work at low health, it's bad. (I got fired) I disliked getting fired, and I took a 2 week break before resuming anew.

I talked to my RL friend about running low on health etc. He suggested I join the IA like he did. He said that they give supplies out for you to fight Eire's enemies, and you would always have enough food to regain health. I joined the army, and was an excellent soldier, loyal to boot. All my dedication to the IA got me, well... no where. It was my RL friend's dedication and perseverance that got him noticed by the ICA. He was invited to join, and somebody remembered we were mates IRL, so I got an invite to. The ICA was very good to me and him, we quickly made a name for ourselves in IRC chat.

The Bremen Clubhouse, the PTO group (Side note- I was terrified of asking what PTO stood for, It's Political Take Over.) was intriguing. When they published an article about how they chose the President, or how they wanted to make eIreland better, I was personally slighted. I never thought that would happen and I believe, is the silver lining in the situation. It makes a stronger, more unified Ireland. These people also got me interested in Politics. I wanted to run for Dail (congress) so I could stop them from taking over Ireland. My RL friend (again) stepped in and said that nobody knew me, so I would win. Instead he ran for congress. But, the PTOers still were winning in the election. IA orders were to hold our votes, so instead of just voting for him, we (Me, him, and an IA/ICA comrade) tried to strategically place our votes. It helped, but we didn't succeed in keeping any out.

I am still uncertain if I want to run for Dail this month, but even if I do, my vote will go to Peter Lyons, my previously mentioned RL friend, because he has a lot to offer the Country, and while I do too, I owe it to him because of everything he has helped me with.

-Even if he is 2 levels ahead of me, the two week break really hurt me.

That's it for my story. A little recap of the past days events is next.

So, the world's turned upside down ever since we made the UK our Natural Enemy. IA orders were to fight for UK, and nobody (it seemed) knew why. The UK has a Mutual Protection Pact with the USA and Brazil, and we were in the process of getting those MPP's. Game mechanics say that the aggressor loses shared MPP's, and in order for us to make the UK the aggressor, we had to lose the first battle so they would attack us. That is why we fought for the UK, it was a necessary evil.

You will probably hear from me on IRC or in more articles, if anyone ever needs any help, feel free to ask. I always think of good things that could be articles, so now that I have a newspaper, you will see more of my articles soon.

Just a reminder to those who will comment, Is minic a bhris beal duine a shron!

Patrick O'Leary
Irish Citizen
IA/ICA member