Finally joining politics again

Day 2,198, 03:53 Published in Norway Norway by West Bergen

After half a year break form politics, I'm finally running for congress again. Candidating as 1st candidate for TP and therefore a seat in congress. Looking forward to join politics with the high lords of Norway, and hope I can contribute to our freedom from occupating countries. As I have little knowledge of what's been going on the last few month, I would like a short briefing on what's our plan for the future is. Are we to free our whole country and all our regions? Or just try the best we can to hold the regions we control today?

comment: GOSH! It got big xD

We currently own Vestlandet, Ostlandet(Østlandet) and Svalbard. Should we try to get our three last regions back too? Sorlandet(Sørlandet), Trondelag(Trøndelag) and Nord-Norge still remains in foreign control(UK)! You go UK! Hope your empire crumbles and disappear!

We all know where greed leads, we all remember why this guy lost

It's the same with ePoland, their greed has now lead them to Sweden, sooner or later they will fall. Other nations will rise against them as they seek more and more land, making everyone their enemy. You all see where this is going.

Well, this was not what I was supposed to write, but I think it was necessary to share my thoughts. As I'm now joining politics again, I hope to do my best for eNorway and our allies and Asgard.

Hail Norway!
Hail Asgard!

West Bergen