Finally, found THE SPY in croatian army!

Day 1,192, 11:29 Published in Croatia Italy by Nicola-A1

As everybody knows, this morning eCroatia and his allies secured Central Croatia, in an epic battle against eSerbia.

But it's not about this that i want to talk.

I'm in 3. Gardijska Brigada. We have one of the boss, Domago who seemed to be not so patriotic and eCratian.

My suspects, now, are real.

First step: this morning, when all croatian soldiers were fighting, where were him???
Noone knows....

Second step: Domago entered the channel.
Maybe he was angry because eSerbia lost, maybe he gave GOLDs to fib, dunno, but these are his words

-->| Domago ( has joined #3.brigada
[19:38] [domago] Neki piju od radosti, neki od tuge, a neki od ranog jutra...
[19:38] =-= Mode #3.brigada +ao Domago Domago by MIHAJLO
[19:38] i da domagu sam posudio 10 golda
[19:38] pa nek ti vrati
[19:39] Domago: were where you when we defended central croatia?
[19:39] z
[19:39] |<-- Franco has left (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[19:39] asleep
[19:39] maybe
[19:39] -->| Franco (~Slavonija@CF2949B4.88D6E45C.1B243935.IP) has joined #3.brigada
[19:39] 😃
[19:39] or maybe connected with srbin account and croatian account
[19:39] here 😒
[19:39] why?
[19:40] of course
[19:40] passing informations to serbs about time to attack and wep used
[19:40] of course

Domago is serbian!! DOMAGO SRBINE!!!! But he's a failer spy!
Mali crnjo discovered Domago's undercover profile. Look at Domago's true face

full srbiness
Finally he confessed he's a spy.
I hope croatian HQ army will fire him immediatly!!

Tits time \o/

Epic victory needs epic boobs

Domago we love U 😃