Federalist Presidential Election

Day 1,930, 14:34 Published in USA Serbia by Thomas Wessel

Ladies and Gentlemen of The USA!

Do you want to become a true american? Do you want the right guy to lead this country? Do you want a person that will help you and help us to make this a better place and to be proud of our country?

Vote Vanek26 for President tomorrow! Vanek26 is currently in the United States Workers Party and is supported by 9 great parties so far! EDIT: Now 10 Parties 🙂

* We The People
* Pfeiffer's Clubhouse
* Federalist Party
* American Military Party
* Revolutionary Party
* Loordsteaua House Party
* American Progressive Party
* Apple Pie Party
* Metal Party


* -SPQR- Stardust Crusaders USA

Thank you guys for supporting Vanek26! I am sure that he will become a great president. He has a lot of experience with politics due to being a Congress Member 15 times and started playing this game already back in 2009!

Together we will win over the PTOs and The AFA!

For you newbies, The AFA are Serbians that wants to take over our country and basically screw up our government.

Support Vanek26 tomorrow in order for America to maintain Awesome and cool!

Best Regards,

Thomas Wessel
Federalist Member