Fed Party Awards May/June editiion

Day 2,390, 20:36 Published in USA USA by crashthompson.

Here are the Fed Awards!!!

Our categories for the month are -

FED of Gold - The citizen that has done awesome work for the party.

Baby FED of Gold - The newest FED member that has done awesome work for the party.

Most P/H Fed - Who's lives and breathes this party more than anyone else?

Can't Type Fast Enough Fed - The Fed who rules the conversation on IRC

Grouchiest Fed - They can be a pain in the butt, but you still are P/H with them.

Zombie Fed - A Fed who you can't keep down, they keep coming back and back and back

Cross Country Road Trip Fed - Someone who you feel you could drive from LA to NY with and not have a dull moment

Fed "Elitist" - Who in the party is an "elitist"

Fed Friend - Who outside the party do you feel is a solid Fed Friend

Journalist of the Moment - Every day we see a lot of new articles and new writers but who is the one that we all love? That is the one who deserve that prize.

Ajay Bruno Award - The one who is negatively seen by most of community, the most controversial citizen of the month.

Here are this month's winners


Melissa Rose

Honorable Mentions: Jefferson Locke, Molly Emma


Nick Bergman

It was close but congrats Nick

Honorable Mentions: Bamabettie, Scott Coyle, Sniper80


Jefferson Locke

Honorable Mentions: BamaBettie, twisted-pixel

Can't Type Fast Enough Fed

Mazzy Cat

Honorable Mentions: Saraht0ga, Jefferson Locke

Grouchiest Fed


Honorable Mentions: Greene12, twisted-pixel

Zombie Fed

Former life, CrashNBurn

Honorable Mentions: Enterawesome, Duncan Crowe

Cross Country Road Trip Fed


Honorable Mentions: Jefferson Locke

Fed "Elitist"

Tyler Bubblar

Honorable Mentions: Greene12, twisted-pixel

Fed Friend

Wild Owl

Honorable Mentions: Derphoof

Journalist of the Moment


Ajay Bruno Award


Those are our Fed Awards for the month of May/June.

Hope you enjoyed and look forward to next months. We will keep changing up some of the awards each month.

Come to the forums, come have fun with us -