
Day 1,923, 10:10 Published in Albania Albania by ujku76
Versioni Shqip

Te dashur Qytetare te Shqiperise, bij e bija te Arbrit, nipa te Kastriotit!

Dua t'ju falenderoj nga zemra per sakrificat, mundin, guximin, vrullin, dhe frymen vellazerore qe treguat ne betejen e djeshme ndaj armikut tone, Serbise!

Luftuam nje lufte te padrejte ne raport forcash. Luftuam ndaj nje vendi qe ka katerfishin e lojtareve tane dhe ku gjysma prej te cileve jane lojtare ne Divizionin e 4-te.

Megjithate, me sakrifica te medha dhe bashkepunim vellazeror arritem te japim nje panorame te bukur dhe shembull se si nje komb i vogel si ne mund te behet pengese edhe per shtetin me te fuqishem ne kete loje. Lufta jone heroike, duke shkaktuar perqendrim te forcave serbe ne betejen e Tiranes, ishte faktori kryesor qe beri te mundur qe aleatet tane, Kroacia dhe Bosnja, te fitojne territoret e tyre te pushtuara.

Keto duhet te na bejne te ndjehemi krenare dhe ta mbajme koken lart edhe pse betejen e humbem.

Dua te falenderoj se pari miqte tane Amerikane. Ndihma e tyre ne betejen tone ishte e pashtershme dhe e jashtezakonshme. Kjo ndihme i kalon permasat e cfaredo aleance qe mund te krijohet midis dy shtetesh. Ndihma e tyre shpjegohet vetem me respektin, vellazerine e nderin qe ekziston midis nesh. Ajo eshte shembull i gjalle per ndenjat tona te sinqerta midis dy kombesh te larget ne hapesire, por te afert ne virtyte, vlera dhe ideale. Thank You very much our American friends!

Dua te falenderoj ushtarin me trim Amerikan dhe heroin me te zjarrte ne beteje, John Largo. Akti i tij ishte i pashembullt dhe eshte objekt frymezimi per te gjithe ne. We deeply appreciate what you did for us! Thank You!

Dua te falenderoj vecanerisht te gjithe djemte e vajzat e MU-ve Amerikane duke filluar nga "US Marine Corps" me Komandantin e saj Tiacha, "Ultramarines" me Komandanten legjendare Artela, "EZC" me Komandant DeepChill qe organizuan sulmin e famshem "Eagle screeming attack", "Seal Team 6" me Komandantin Cubby e te gjithe lojtaret e tjere. Thank you guys. It was a pleasure and honor seeing You and fighting alongside You!

Falenderoj gjithashtu te gjithe Luftetaret e shteteve te EDEN-it duke filluar nga Kroacia, Bosnja, Turqia (me ne krye te madhin Silny Udar), Italia, Izraeli, Rrumania, Columbia, Argjentina, Kina, Greqia. Ju falemnderit per kontributin tuaj te vyer.

Dua te vecoj ketu MU-ne famoze te Kroacise 1.GB Tigrovi. Ishte kenaqesi te flisja direkt tek dhoma e chatit te tyre me ata djem krenare. Ja nje moment nga sulmi i tyre:

HVALA bros! o7

Tani ju drejtohem te gjithe luftetareve shqiptare. Nje falenderim te thelle nga zemra per te gjithe Ju! Me keni bere te ndjehem krenar si President dhe si bir i thjeshte i ketij kombi. Nje falenderim te madh per djemte e Div 1 dhe Div 2! Na dhane mundesine te shihnim nje spektakel te vertete ne fushen e betejes. Te gjithe jane heronj te kombit tone.

Falenderoj shume te gjithe anetaret e qeverise, te gjithe komandantet e MU-ve shqiptarepa dallim, dhe te gjithe djemte e tjere qe moren pjese ne organizimin e luftes duke qendruar me ore te gjata ne chat. Dua te permend ketu jonkastriotin, Serxhion, LiLo1 per menaxhimin me sukses te situates, per gjetjen e burimeve dhe stafit me njerez qofte per organizimin ne chat, qofte per MU-te e shumta me mercenare; te madhin Batoa qe ndejti me ore te tera duke me dubluar ne cdo drejtim qe nga hapja e RW-ve ne Bosnje e Kroaci, deri tek kontakti i vazhdueshem me MU-te amerikane e dhe ndenja me ore te tera duke dhene supp tek #alb.defense. Erodial, Andiroid, Toverlani, CmenduriaMB, Cmdr K per te gjithe mundin dhe durimin qe treguan ne ndarjet e ndihmave dhe drejtimin e lojtareve te rinj; Nameless99 dhe AfroditaMf qe ben te pamunduren duke gjetur fonde per pagesat e mercenareve (behet fjale per dhejtra mijra ALL nga shkrirje e fabrikash etj), e shume e shume lojtare te tjere si kushtrimzz, altinks, festimbeqa (me falni qe spo i permend te gjithe) qe i kushtuan kohe luftes duke lene menjane punen, familjen, jeten reale. Jeni te mrekullueshem te gjithe. Pa ju asgje nuk do ishte e mundur.

Vellezer, vertete humbem nje beteje por fituam respektin e shume miqeve e shokeve ne bote. Me lejoni t'ju paraqes njerin prej mesazheve qe kam marre sot nga miku im kroat yellow ant:


Rrofte Shqiperia Etnike!

Ne betejen e djeshme u desh te harxhohej shume para per te blere dem nga mercenaret. Fatura e vetem njeres prej 4 MU-ve me mercenare (ajo me kryesorja) eshte ne kete link. Borxhi vetem ndaj FM-se (pa nenkontratat e tjera) shkon mbi 320'000 cc. Meqe mercenaret i porosita une edhe koston per mbulimin e tyre do ta perballoj personalisht. Por, meqe shume lojtare shqiptare kishin deshire te kontribuojne me para per te ulur sado pak barren e pageses atehere le te dergojne ketu. Ju lutem, mos e ndjeni per detyrim dhurimin e ALL. Sinqerisht dhe me respekt.

English Version

My dear Albanian compatriots, sons of Arber, blood of Kastriots!

I want to wholeheartedly thank each and every one of you for the sacrifice, effort, courage, bravery and brotherly spirit you have shown in yesterday’s war against our enemy, Serbia. You have made me notoriously proud to be the President and a mere son of our great eNation. A big giant thank you goes for the boys and girls in Div 1 and Div 2! You proved what we all can do on the battlefield when times call. You’re already heroes of Albania. March on!

We fought an unjust war. A war against all odds. We fought against an eCountry that has over four times more eCitizens than us, with half of them being in Division 4.

Nevertheless, with our sacrifice and brotherhood we managed to perfectly and appropriately depict how a small nation with a big heart and soul like ours can stop the tyranny and bullying of even (one of) the most powerful eCountry in this game. Our heroic fight forced eSerbia to camp all their forces in Tirana, allowing our allies and friends, Croatia and Bosnia, to win back some of their territories.

You should all keep marching on with your heads held high and pride in your hearts.

I want to, first of all, thank all our American friends. Their help in this battle was indispensable and amazing. It was way beyond alliance. It was true brotherhood and a true testament of the bond, respect, values and ideals that our two nations – even though physically oceans apart – share and cherish.

Our special gratitude goes to the bravest of Americans, the hero of this war, the blaze of glory himself – John Largo. His glorious acts on the battlefields shall be an inspiration for us all.

Special thanks go to all the people in American MUs, such as “US Marine Corps” and their commander Tiacha, “Ultramarines” lead by the legendary Artela, “EZC” and their commander DeepChill for organizing the famous “Eagle Screaming Attack”, “Seal Team 6” (commander Cubby) and many others who supported this war, in any way.

I want to also thank fighters from EDEN allies: Croatia, Bosnia, Turkey (and the Majestic Silniy Udar), Italy, Israel, Romania, Colombia, Argentina, China, Greece, etc.

Last but not least, I want to thank all our Croatian brothers of the famous MU 1.GB Tigrovi. It was fun and cool to chat and arrange an attack from your chat-room. HVALA Bros! o7

Thank you all for your great contribution. We shall never forget who our friends in times of trouble were.

Brothers we may have lost a battle but our effort got us the respect of many friends and allies around the world. Below is just one of many messages of support we have received and keep receiving.

Thank you,
Long live Albania
Hail USA
Hail Our EDEN Friends


P.s. In yesterday’s war we have spent awfully lot of currency to buy mercenary damage. This is just one of the bills we have from yesterday. Our debt towards FM right now goes beyond 320.000cc. Since I have personally invited mercenaries, I am going to pay them myself too. I have read and heard that many of you wanted to contribute to soothe the blow of this debt. Thus, I’ve opted to create a fund where you can all donate (link). Though your help will be very welcomed, please don’t feel obliged to do so. We understand the current economic recession in this game.
Once again, I sincerely thank you all.