
Day 914, 12:28 Published in Turkey Slovenia by Field Marshal Milancho

Hello again

Last week I became officially ambasador of eSlovenia in eTurkey.
I represented Slovenia and some animals, plants and forests.
What I forgot was introduction of eSlovenia, so here are some infos:

We have population of 3531 citizens, 914 just from today (wohoo, babyboom!!). Their average level is 16 (just like average of eworld) and average strenght of 4.77.

Currently eSlovenia has only 3 regions, due to Croatian occupation (they also occupied Lower Carniola, our main region - many companies were put out of work), but now we are slowly regaining regions back. Lower Carniola will most likely be ours again in less than 6 hours.
Regions are:
- Prekmurje; 2833 citizens, Q5 hospital (no DS) and medium grain (capital)
- Slovenian Littoral; 635 citizens, no hospital or DS and medium grain
- Tyrol; 63 citizens, no hospital or DS and no resource regions (originaly Austrian region, occupied to prevent Croatian PTO)

66 gold and 3694 sit (and about 200 gold in other values)

only with Croatia, it expires in 26 days (or never, since we constantly attack eachother)


minimum: 1 sit
average: 6.61 sit

GDP: 2340 gold
monthly imports/exports: 348 gold
inflation: -7.82%

1 gold = 38.83 TRY
1 gold = 33.592 SIT
1 SIT = 1.16 TRY

President and congress:
Blaz Gutman - eSlovenian president
Jean Tudor - Information and propaganda ministry
Novljan - Internal affairs ministry
Rudolf Maister - Defense ministry
klemenju - External Ministry
hrabri misek - Finance ministry
roky1337 - Ministry of economy
timkram - School and social ministry

Slovenska komunistična partija (far left-totalitarian, 23% of congress)
Stranka za napredek in razvoj (center left-libertarian, 29😵
Demokratska stranka Slovenije (center right-libertarian, 23😵
Stranka jeklene Slovenije (center right-libertarian, 23😵

I won't write all alliances and wars, since it's probably not interesting and it takes a lot of time, so if you need any more informations here: eSlovenia

If you have any other question to ask, write in comments or write me PM.
All comments are welcome, so is vote and subscribe.

have fun playing game

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