eRepublik Web-Guide - Albanian Version

Day 2,146, 03:42 Published in Albania Israel by Admiral General Mickey
eRepublik Web-Guide - Albanian Version

Dear Readers.
A week ago i introduced my new web-guide to the community.
If you haven't seen it yet, take a look at it: Click Here
It took us a while to translate the guide and the tables & upload the content.
But finally, we have done! The guide is now available in the Albanian language.
I would like to thank the translators who did a great job and finished the translation process in a sort period of time:

1st: Endritt Zekka
2nd: Ralf Buster
3rd: iPanchO
4th: BUB o7
5th: enzq
6th: RitaOra plus377 45 544 085
One of my milestones is to translate the guide into 5-10 languages, get the citizens and the governments use it and of course, help the newbies. Today, with the completion of the Albanian translation, a little part of this milestone has been achieved. Now, lets see the final product:

For the Albanian version of the guide: Click Here
I would like to hear comments, marks, notes and corrections.
Feel free to ask questions or request for help.

If you would like to translate the guide into your language, all what you need to do is to send me a message.
I hope you like it
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