eRepublik VNP Pt.4 : Jeff the killer and loli :D

Day 2,322, 15:58 Published in Japan Iran by Kami Neko
First part ( ), previous part ( ).

[ Warning, because I write it in the night, Pt.4 can to be little bit mind **** Wahahaha ]

Because the girl did not believe in the existence of monsters she not afraid of this person with red eyes, so decided to escape and tell her mother about the man in her room. Lanzarote threw the knife into the red-eyed man and running out fast to her mother who was quite close to the room, she quickly grabbed her hand and sai😛

-Mom there a red-eyed man in your room, he want to kill us!

Lanzarote's mother hugged her and was pretty relaxed. When the man left out her room and saw the mother he was very surprised, they just looked at each other few seconds, until he sai😛

-Sadina? Chto ty tut delayesh'?

-Eto ya tebya dolzhna sprashivat'! Pochemu ty ugrozhal ubit' nas?

The girl do not understand a word from what they say. She knows that her mother came from Russia, but never hear her talking in this language before. Lanzarote's mother stroked her at the head to calm without taking her eyes from the man, and in the same time sai😛

-Don't worry, he will not hurt us.

She was interrupted by the man who sai😛

-I just need this necklace, give it to me and I will leave…

-I will not give it to you just like that, let's talk about it in the kitchen.

The girl looked at her mother who do the same and said her with relaxed voice:

-Go to sleep, you can not worry about me, everything will be ok.

Lanzarote doesn't want give the necklace to him, so she ask her mother:

-Can I keep it with me?

-Of course you can.

Lanzarote smile, should she agree go to sleep?

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