eRepublik Laws -> There's nothing prohibing the Decoder!

Day 390, 14:03 Published in Portugal Portugal by chichorro

Many of you have already noticed that a lot of people are being banned apparently without an excuse.

Why was Annihilator banned? Why was JaviBoss banned? And Sa33d? Why? Is it because they use the decoder? Well i use the decoder because apparently it is legal!

Look at the 10 eRepublik Laws:

"All Citizens should respect the 10 eRepublik Laws:
-All citizens are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
-No citizen should oppress another citizen.
-Each citizen represents the will of a single real user.
-Every citizen that enriched through an illegal or unjust method must return the property this way obtained.
-Every citizen has the right to work and to receive a payment in exchange for his work.
-All the National political systems are based on Democracy and on the Universal Suffrage vote system.
-No racism, extremism, pornography, vulgarity or spam is allowed.
-Freedom of press is absolute (without breaking the 7th rule).
-Every citizen has the right to choose if he will participate in a fight or not.
-The economic system is based on the market economy and all the citizens have to act according to the demand and supply rules."

Is there anything prohibing Decoder right now? No! Where's the rule for that?

If you want to make it ilegal then MAKE A NEW RULE!

But please DON'T BAN people for using the decoder when there are no rules for that!

I use the decoder because it is still a legal action (or not???). And i will gladly stop using it in the moment the admins make up a new rule prohibing it.

PLEASE VOTE this article. The admins must see how important it is to have information about "other rules" we don't know!

For a better Erepublik!