EPIC? Nope. AFK? Nope. MDP...

Day 1,720, 13:57 Published in Canada Canada by MCMXCIlI

Greetings fellow eCanucks,

As you may remember, last month, I made a rather public announcement that I would join the MDP. I didn't want to go back to the fallen EPIC, and Snow's anti forum rhetoric didn't appeal to me. I was curious how the "dictatorship" worked, and wanted to see for myself.

As a free thinker, visionary, etc.. I couldn't stand not being able to think for myself. It just wasn't appealing to me. Then I heard the news.

Jacobi, a great player who I highly look up to has graced us once again with his presence. I noticed he was in the CPF, and that made my decision a whole lot easier. I hopped aboard the CPF part.

Many may see this flip flopping between parties to be some sort of weakness, however, I think otherwise. When the political atmosphere changes as much as it has the past few months, it's hard not to look around for options, especially when your party no longer exists. I thought I'd see the other side, and I did. Since It didn't appeal to me, I took another look at my options.

I could have went back to the funhouse and try to help retake it, or I could have went and joined the AFK, but neither option really appealed to me. What did, however, was the prospect of joining a party who's members are active, intelligent and experienced players who have built a small, tight knit community.

Hopefully I can call this party my home for quite some time.