End / Beginning of the Year Messages [EN]

Day 1,492, 22:50 Published in North Macedonia South Korea by Ernesto Jeon

Dear Citizens of eMacedonia,

I am dispatched eSK ambassador for eMacedonia.

It has been over four months since eMacedonia and eSK have built a diplomatic relationship.
When our relationship was first being built, I was the Minister of MoD.
I have greatly welcomed our relationship then, and still wish to remain in a good relationship with eMacedonia ‘til today.

eSK is appreciative of all the help she received from eMacedonia.
Numerous citizens spontaneously and continuously support our relationship as well.

eSK is still occupied by eChina and eROC.
As our friend eTurkey joined Eden, the look of Asia turns worse.

Nonetheless, eSK has not given up, still is resisting against Eden,
and even if our efforts may not bring immediate independence of us, may it bring advantageous battles in eMacedonian and other battles.

2011 have almost passed, and new 2012 is coming.
Hope the end of the year wraps up smoothly for the eMacedonian citizens.

As an ambassador for eMacedonia and a current citizen of eMacedonia,
I hope our close friend, eMacedonia, prosper in the new year as well.

# If you have any questions about eSK, please contact me anytime 🙂

# I always welcome being friend with the citizens of eMacedonian 😃

# If any work needs to be done, please order me around with them. (eSK's elite servant??!?!) 🙁

# I would appreciate a vote (Sub is up to your choice)

Hail Macedonia!!
Hail South Korea!!
Hail My Friends!!


eSK Ambassador for eMacedonia and Vice President
- Ernesto Jeon -
eSK Coutnry President
- isforever -