Elitism and an Uninformed Electorate

Day 1,843, 14:46 Published in Ireland Ireland by Dr. Pierre Chang

The biggest problem in eRepublik, and it is absolutely endemic in this country, is the bleeding of real life staples into the realm of the game. In the media today, there are several articles and commentators debating about the "validity" of referendums and the great question of Eden v COT v godknowswhat.

Am I the only one who's willing to admit I feel decidedly uninformed about what to vote? I know little about the alliances and if I'm perfectly honest I don't really care to learn a whole lot about them. Their political stances and actions to me as the common player are irrelevant. I couldn't give two shits on a Sunday Morning about who I'm attacking. The only things I'm interested in are how quickly my rank is ascending and the degree to which I just crushed some twallop I've never heard of. Their allegiances, their beliefs, are null and void.

I can only imagine that the vast majority of the people in this country feel exactly the same. Their mind is on the fight, not the cause.

I am completely 100% opposed to this referendum. It is just another flaming hoop to jump through, another bit of red tape which fundamentally is restricting this country from vital progress. We elect our officials on the assumption that they are qualified to make these decisions for us. After all, that is the basis of a Representative Democracy, the many select the few to make the big decisions.

Did I vote in the last referendum? Yes I did.

Did I vote on the basis of cold hard research painstakingly gathered over the course of several days so my vote could best represent my own personal political views. Absolutely not, I just picked at random.

President Psycho, live up to your name. Break rules and break boundaries. Defy your esteemed peers and make an executive decision. Do away with this silly referendum. The people of Ireland have voted for you to lead us to victory and you should act as such. Make the decision which is best for Ireland. Do not let an uninformed electorate make a decision based on nothing.

The key to winning a game is to know the rules. Let's start playing by them.

Your Lovable Rogue,
Dr. Pierre Chang