eCanada Economic Trends Review

Day 2,508, 14:13 Published in Canada Canada by KaponeDude

ECanada is currently rank 25 in the world and we all know it’s a decent country where politics are not obviously crazy or the economy not completely bad, but what are the numbers lately.

At the time of this writing, eCanada had 6 new citizens today and 2 more awaiting citizenship giving us a total population of 805. On this everything is good, but what about the taxes and wages. Average work wages in eCanada is at this moment 26.43$ and the work taxes about 5%.
13 Days ago, a bill wanting to reduce the working taxes to 1% has been refused 4-28 at the congress and that bill was the only one concerning economy in the 30 days. We are actually working to get an answer from the President as to know about the situation, but till then we have to wonder is it a good or a bad sign. Well, we think can be both. On one side eCanada had a continuous inflation of it’s revenue for the last 5 days with a high of 8793.13$ yesterday following a brutal drop on day 2,503 passing to 7477.12$ from a 8294.98$ value of the day before. The short term tendencies are good even if the drop on day 2,503 was pretty bad. We’ll see how we will close today as we stand right now at 6430.09$, which could be worrying.
eCanada reserves are not bad neither good at 1,102 Gold and 209,062 CAD. The main problem I think at this moment is immigration. Should we try to attract more people in country? Maybe by bring the moving taxes and raising the Minimum wages from 1$ to a reasonable 20$ considering our wages average of 26.43$ would be good, but maybe not. We could attract more immigrants by doing so and collect more working taxes in the progress. It would help us bring the reserves up and have a bigger population and assure at the same time a bigger armed forces assuring our sovereignty. No matter what, we can't do anything about it right now, but the good president we have will probably address this issue and, ultimately, we are the one voting for them or not.
