Dog Eat Dog, Everyday! [TEKELIJA]

Day 1,377, 16:57 Published in Poland Serbia by Jovan Tekelija

To my Serbian readers, да сте изабрали Лопату, сад бисмо излопатали Хрвате и Бугаре.
А можда и не бисмо х)
To my Polish readers, I wrote this in English as I think it’ll be more understandable than something I would ‘write’ in (google)Polish.


My fellow Poles,
God is on our side!
Not just eGod who is failing to notice our BotArmies (famous BotArmies of Serbia and Poland) but also the RL God, be he really real or no!
It is time to attack USA!

Someone might call this plan dishonorable or low, but we’re living in a dangerous world my dear WE friends. We must make use of the chance granted to us by Mother.
Let’s invade Amurica!
Let’s reliberate (now that’s a tongue-twister) Texas!
And let’s give it to Serbia, as it will probably be left with no regions soon XD

I don’t have to stress that this is just a joke. I hope there aren’t many casualties in the catastrophe.
Good luck, USA!


After a long period of boredom which was generated by the creation of ONE alliance and the utter inability of Terra and EDEN to finally form one alliance, something interesting is finally happening.
EDEN/Terra have decided that their lengthy losing streak ought to end.
While they were at it, they made a plan to invade one of the most powerful countries-Serbia.
Kinda ALL IN tactics, dontchuagree?

^Texas. Again?!

Serbia’s response has been quick indeed!
After leading the Sofia battle with 7-1 they eventually lost it 7-8!
What a victory for our brave and disciplined men!


There has not been a better time to do some power-shifting!
Invade Serbia!
I think you’ll never be getting another opportunity like this!