Current Events: The House of Lords and the Czech Republic.

Day 523, 10:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy

Great Job in Croatia, we kicked PEACE back to their holes, well done to everyone who fought.

The House of Lords

The House of lords is the second house of our political system. Anybody who has served the e-UK for a long time, or who has a great knowledge and understanding of something that can't be expressed in congress can be admitted to the house. They have the ability to Veto new laws and amendments if they do not agree with them. They have discussions on the same issues that members of the hous of commons do.

So why is it being boycotted?

Some people feel that it is elitist, undemocratic, and corrupt, they are blocking people admittance to the House of Lords as a form of protest.
This isn't entirely true, the House of Lord's exists to make sure no large mistakes are made by congressmen. all you have to do is read some of the presentations of people who got in to realise, that there should be some form of body to moderate their decisions. It is also an effective way to use people's knowledge and experience for our advantage.

I myself do not completely agree with the HoL, but I do not think it needs to be abolished, only reformed. Personally, I think they shouldnt have to right to veto all new legislation, only the more important ones. I also think it is vital that they do not have the right to change the rules regarding how someone becomes a lord, because if they could they may just change it to suite themselves.

Currently, for a member to be admitted to the HoL all 5 top party's must allow it. This must not change.

We cannot strip them of all their rights, there has been talk of turning them into a advisory body with no actual power, this, I think isn't a wise choice. After all, they all know what they are talking about, and perhaps deserve to have a say on subjects even if they are un-elected.

I think they should have parallel discussions with the HoC (This means they discuss the issues at the same time)

There are many reforms being discussed in the forums.

The Czech Republic

Usually when I spot a take over, I talk about, today is no exception. Yesterday, when hard working people in the Phillipines were asking for help preventing a Spanish take over, our own government was performing a take over of the Czech Republik. It suceeded and got somewhere between 80 and 150 gold. This afternoon we've been knee deep in debate over this topic.

Althought the UK isn't obliged to help the Phillipines, many people moved from the UK to the Phillipines in order to help them out. You could argue that we should have helped them to ensure or friends efforts didn't get wasted. The spaniards have 50% of Filipino Congress.

There is also the arguement, that the UK shouldn't stoop to as low a level as to steal money from other country's in take overs, countered by the fact that the money we gain can be nothing but beneficial.

There is the obvious result, that the Czech's probably wont like us, they had an MPP with Germany, so although being neutral, they were ever so slightly aligned with Atlantis. What the e-UK has done may push them away

It is a question of what has priority: Esteemed Politicians asking for help? or Your Country expanding its coffers to make it a better place.

How do these two events co-incide? some of our "Lords" went down to the Czech Republik and ran for congress. How very British....

Lots of country's perform take overs to get money, so perhaps it is excuseable?
These things I leave for you to decide.

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