Country Unity

Day 515, 11:33 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

There has been some bickering between members of different parties lately. This is only natural, it's congressional election season, and every party wants to win the most seats possible. If they didn't, they wouldn't be much of a party.

But let's put this all into perspective. Even though I want my party (the USWP) to win as many seats as possible, I am an American first, party member second. Almost all eAmericans feel the same way.

Regardless of whether my party wins 0 seats or 52 seats, I am going to help this country be the best it can, and I will work with people from other parties to achieve that goal. I know almost all of you feel the same way.

I read Jewitt's famous article when it first came out earlier in the week, and re-read it again today for some additional perspective. As he said, this isn't a national game, it's an international game. I recommend all of you read it, even if you already did.

With our population size, there's no reason we shouldn't be the #1 country in the world. But we're not right now. This isn't real life where our morals correctly tell us not to be imperialistic. This is a game, our enemies and allies are trying to take over the world. We have to keep everything on the table, including military force and political takeovers.

This is America, and just like in real life, we have a lot of different opinions. We will always disagree on taxes, military structure and what role government should play. But we're all in this together, even when we don't agree.

This wasn't the most coherent rant in the world, but as debate between parties gets heated between now and election day, I just wanted to put this all into perspective. We will disagree with each other, but we have a common goal.

Thank you all for reading,

-- ligtreb
Citizen of eUSA
Congressional Candidate in Colorado