Conjugate this

Day 1,636, 00:51 Published in Romania Romania by Real Vasi
Ce se intampla cu adevarat cand sunt alegeri (care sunt aproape btw):
What does really happen when there are elections (which are close btw):

Eu votez
I vote

Tu castigi
You win

El pierde
He loses

Noi o dam in bara
We f..k up

Voi va imbogatiti
You get rich

Ei devin someri
They become unemployed

Morala - Ganditi-va de doua ori, ca sa nu ajungeti in situatia asta:
Moral - Think twice, so you don't end up like this:

Sau mai rau, asa:
Or worse, like this:

P.S. Vote and get

Subscribe and get

Acesta este un pamflet si trebuie tratat ca atare.
This is a pamphlet and must be treated as one.