Congress Update!

Day 1,776, 07:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Lord Lewis Cromwell

Hello again, everyone!

It's after the elections and I'm still here! Yay! It's been an eventful first week of this Congress' term so I'll get right into it.

Threats to the eUK
With our new Congress come new problems. It appears some of our new members of parliament are being taken for mugs by people who want nothing but to troll our people, take advantage of our parties and even some who want to pervert our government in order to break apart our national team.

These people cannot do anything to our country unless they are given citizenship, which allows them to create political parties and military units here, run for Congress and President spots and thereafter take our nation off the natural course of events for their own personal amusement.

This is why it is very important for our people in positions of responsibility to be vigilant. Accepting citizenships for such empty promises as "I'll give you £5000!" "I'll join your party!" and likewise are irresponsible actions which several of our new members have undertook in this first week.

The alarming point of these actions are the number of stupid decisions made in such a short period of time, the following are two of our perpetrators of stupidity:

minidave007 (New Era congressman): accepted Goku Jones' citizenship, Goku Jones has spent the past few years trying to find ways to harm us in every way, and now has the means to do so thanks to this congressman.

Killer2001 (New Era congressman): accepted jocchithesecond's citizenship, who is a self-confessed troll and will do nothing to make our nation stronger.

Both of these happen to belong to "New Era" which is an ironic name for a party which is absolutely nothing new. Allowing corrupt people into our nation for hollow promises and cold currency shows how shallow and clueless these players are and I have no remorse in calling them out for it. These members of Congress have already displayed their disregard for our nation's stability and are more interested in thoughtlessly clicking buttons.

Some are going to attack me with claims that I am a forum douche obsessed with procedure in order to keep "power" with the "elite". I will return those claims with the simple facts that I am not a member of any "elite", from all of my articles to date you can see I merely want our nation to grow and be strong and for everyone to get along for the national good. Sometimes bringing awareness of problems is necessary in order for people to learn and I hope to see people stop callously accepting ill-wishing people into our national team for simple lies such as:

"Hi there, can you accept my citizenship request please? I'll join your party"

"If you accept my cs I'll send you 5000cc"

I have highlighted the parts which prove that these members of congress representing their whore party (paying people for membership as if they are whores) have absolutely no intention of improving our nation and instead are trying to prove a point. The difference between those two things are phenomenal. Parties and congressmen based on this philosophy cannot last, but the damage they do to our nation remains.

Along with citizenships, although to a lesser extent, members of parliament have been making a few proposals which have failed due to the lack of awareness of their intentions made before the proposal was started.

Again, I'll be accused of forum-obsession, but there's a reason forums are used and this is one of them. Proposing things that affect our entire nation is an important task and one which must be done with consideration and thought in order to truly make the changes which benefit us all.

In order to do this, we have a Public Discussion forum to make our points about proposals known before voting starts and garner interest in the reasons behind making changes. By no means am I asking everyone to rush to the forums before coming up with ideas to improve our nation, I am more than happy to relay any ideas there or discuss personally the points behind proposals before they are initiated, but putting forward votes for things that we are not given the reasons nor the time to consider their benefit will naturally result in a failed proposal and therefore a waste of a congressman's limit of two proposals per term.

In short, it's important to get support for your ideas before throwing them to the wind which is what we've learned from years of doing this.

We have happily renewed our MPP with our old ally Macedonia who has always been a good friendly team to us, there are some issues which caused slight hesitation in some people but rest assured that our diplomatic team is working day and night in order to continue efforts towards forming strong bonds with all our neighbours and brothers around the world! Hail!

Ireland and the new missions
Yes, there's new missions to attempt! One of these is warring against your natural enemy (or something) and so we have agreed with our friends in Ireland to make enemies of eachother for a while longer in order for us to mutually complete our missions and receive the rewards nationwide! Look forward to mock killing more of our celtic neighbours for a while longer!

I'd also like to refresh everyone's memory about the recent agreement we have made with Ireland and the regions we are swapping with them in order to increase economic output mutually and enable trust between our nations:

Image courtesy of RBSNA, thankyou!

I think that's enough for this week, good news or bad at least we're still going. To all of our congressmen I plea for sense and thought before action, to everyone else I plea a good day and merriment!

Be cool, stay cool!