Congress Stands Idle as Farmers Struggle

Day 442, 11:14 Published in Canada Canada by Petz

Despite an active campaign to discuss the need to increase the import tax on foreign grain by congressman Petz, a lack of interest has been shown by many in congress to even actively debate the issue. This lack of discussion has slowed any efforts as congressional procedures prevent the proposed tax increase from being brought to vote. Farmers need to contact their congressmen and tell them they need to get involved in this process to get the proposed changes brought into effect. When asked to comment congressmen Petz stated, " It seems that some in congress wish to hide behind procedures. You can't force those who do not engage in the discussion to come to the table and hence the whole system stumbles. It is really frustrating. Do I see any movement on the issue......not likely with the way things have been going and I fear that layoffs in the sector will occur. Would Canadians rather pay one or two more cents for food and keep the grain local.....I would hope so.....especially if it means losing jobs because Canadian grain companies don't feel like fighting the competition in addition to fighting their own government."