Congress presentation

Day 1,798, 12:25 Published in Israel Israel by Roni Rubin

Hello all, as I announced befor it is a must for every member of TNB to come with a brief presentation to elections.And since pp is not above anyone on that,I give you mine: many of you know me pretty much for almost a year of being very active and delivering a nice amount of damage foe eisrel,being in politics as a km in eisrael twice during these 10 months I fulfilled my duties as a loyal citizen and policican. I am always looking for room to improve the political system of the state having it taken more seriously and making it the closest it gets to being realistic,I put an effort in TNB since day on after pp election and will still do so always. I ve always donated my gold,never approved cz on my own and never proposed a dumb law.I believe I'm good to run then !good luck to u all,long live TNB