Congress, Missions, and Norgies. Oh My

Day 2,470, 06:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Massacar
Hello Everyone, It's I, Massacar

So I don't know about all of you, but I have still yet to finish the friends mission, so I would appreciate it if any and all of you readers could send me a friend request.

Many thanks. Love you long time

On a different note, the eUK is currently about to kick off it's clusterf@ck games, as the Finns, Norgies, Canadians, and even possibly Israelies covet our beautiful homes.

Home sweet home

Due to this small country Gang bang that is about to happen, the MoD would like us to lose the battle at Vestalandet to help close the border or some such buisness, so please do so.


Surprisingly congress hasn't been too bad this term on the Rabble side. The biggest issue that my thread debated on was that of the work tax, which is obviously still quite the problem. Once the WAM prices stabilize congress will reopen discussion on the Work Tax and on whether or not to leave it at 1% or to raise it back to 2%.

That's it, this article's over.

Vote, Shout, Sub, Masticate somewhere else.
