Congress and Employers: Strengthen South Africa

Day 489, 10:03 Published in South Africa Sweden by Jizzie McGuire

Greetings my South African friends. I come to you today in all seriousness to ask that you all be vigilant and active to defend our nation against both political and military threats. It has become well-known that a Brazilian political take-over is in the works, while the diplomatic efforts of Ambassador Browski and I have been met with silence by the great empire that holds the sword of Damocles over us. We cannot let others decide our fate and dictate our lives any longer. Therefore, I have decided that it is time to take action.

I know that those who wish to destroy us may be reading this, so I cannot say exactly what I plan to do. However, all can be assured that I so not plan to start any wars with my actions. In fact, my unorthodox proposals are meant to do just the opposite. If Congress approves all three proposals, then we should be preventing war, at least for the time being. What I believe this will do is strengthen our political position and force others to take us seriously for once.

So I urge all members of the South African Congress to vote yes on all three of my proposals today.

On another note, I urge all SA employers to read Justice Peter Banko's article on the acts of treason being committed against our country and either fire or refuse to hire the individuals mentioned in the article:

Long Live South Africa!