Clan Wolf is now WHAT?!?!? Get Oinyos reactions here!!!

Day 2,218, 18:23 Published in Canada Canada by Oinyo

My poor wolves.. We are now Communists.. We are now the bad guys built to take the MDP down...

As the Riddick put it.“In normal times, evil should be fought by good, but in times like this, well, it should be fought by another kind of evil”

Yes my Wolves.. This month we have turned into these things. We will be dedicated 100% to backing up Pat in his quest and we WILL become number 1. We will fight and destroy all those in our path and we will wake the sleeping beast 🙂

Here is my vid.
I am sorry as Onyx completely and utterly ruined it by ripping off my hat and jumping all over me as i was dancing (i gashed my foot badly.. Lot of blood but not seen on film.)
Or who knows.. Perhaps she improved it lol.

Heil Pat! Lets fight and take down the MDP any and every way we can!
It is time these wolves grew teeth and destroyed utterly and completely our opposing enemies one and for all!

Speaking on behalf of your communist Wolves!