Celebrate the Holidays with SEAL Team 6!

Day 1,131, 14:49 Published in USA Albania by KOSOVA Batoa
*Everyone that comments in this article will receive a small stocking stuffer from me within 24hrs of this article ending as appreciation for showing your support!

Please read on to learn how you can become a part of ST6 and see how you help us accomplish our goals.

Please vote, shout, sub and show your support for SEAL Team 6 by donating if you can!

We are currently recruiting, read below to find out more or APPLY HERE!

If you are new or somehow unfamiliar with ST6 I suggest you check out this article for some background reading material.

There are two reasons for this article, the first one I'll mention (besides saving my butt from a possible mutinous, gangstyle beatdown) is to announce we are recruiting and encourage anyone interested in joining to apply now.

Our requirements are basic, obviously a certain level of strength and rank which is currently not "set," rather it's reviewed on a case by case basis. Clear motivation and activity go along ways. The other essentials we require are participation, a good attitude, work in the ST6 commune for deployment supplies and the must have attribute of enjoying a good fight.

For additional information on SEAL Team 6 and our history please check out this article:
or PM me with any specific questions you have left before applying:

Now on to the second thing I'd like to address.

Do you know what it's like to tell a SEAL that he or she can't fight today because we don't have the supplies or funding ON CHRISTMAS!? ;_;

The reaction is sort of like this...

Mixed with a bit of this...

Woops, my bad, wrong pic, meant this...

Let me tell you because it's something you don't want to experience first hand. It's heartbreaking to see those little SEAL eyes swell up with more saltwater and watch the rage build up, but even worse, it's dangerous, for me, for my family, for anyone I care about that they could use to co-hearse me into deploying and providing them with weapons and food to kill. Cause that's what SEALs love. Killing, maiming, waiting for others to be drawn in then taking them all out, merciless, bloodthirsty professionals focused on one task. Destroy the enemy. Without it we are empty eSouls waiting to wither, die and fade away from the eRep landscape...

I'm here today not to ask you to help the SEALs, I'm in fact pleading with you to quite possibly save my life. ST6 is self-funded except for some appreciated government funding which recently went up and now covers almost 2 days out of the weeks commune operational costs. Our costs to remain active are high and we still rely on private donations to keep us afloat. Many of our members contribute additionally themselves by paying for their own work boosters to help out.

We have an anonymous donor that has offered to match up to 100 gold in donations, so anything you contribute will be doubled up to that point. If you are eRep citizen with the means to help, please do, every bit helps and goes towards the 100 or so members standing ready. Just as a personal thanks I'm going to be sending out a few lower q houses randomly to anyone that donates and comments to that effect in this article. If you don't need them, feel free to pass them on to someone that does.

So please, sponsor a SEAL today by donating what you can here and you will receive:
* A welcome kit with a photo and information about your sponsored SEAL.
* The opportunity to write and receive letters with your SEAL.
* A photo of your SEAL
* The chance to receive a home.
(Please note all of the above may or may not happen)

For those of you that have been checking back, you'll see our tree has changed quite a bit as donations have come in. Thanks to everyone for the support you've shown 🙂

And finally I'd like to wish all our members, supporters and everyone out there a very Happy Holidays! Thanks for making this game enjoyable, I'm grateful to many players in our community for keeping it alive and fun.


"De oppresso liber"

Respectfully and at your service,

Julian Mizu
Commanding Officer SEAL Team 6

I hope you get everything you asked for 😁...