Candidacy for reelection

Day 650, 23:43 Published in Venezuela Venezuela by Jeraro

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Candidacy for reelection, after evaluating various events both internal eRepublic about my real life, I almost did not go seeking a second term in a row, but given the lack of a candidate weight, and looking for a continuity of the good things we had and reassessing the facts I decided to go again for the presidency.

Things to improve:

1) Due to personal issues of my real life I was gone 2 weeks, in which connected me everyday, but without enough time to devote to everything, because I had a great team of government, my absence was not noticed in ah most part, but if the participation and communication with citizens, which must not happen.

2) should be intensified for social welfare schemes as we have had and reassess that are not working because it caused losses to the state or not performing the work they should.

Proposals for the 2nd Perio😛

1) Improve communication, and announce the status of accounts every week, as the moves are there in this.

2) Thoroughly investigate what happened at the Bank and Government 200gold loss, we all need clarification.

3) Search the emails that were created with state organizations, and not to be possible to create new post for these and these are administered by the next president.

4) Reviving the international relations in every way.

My current period took place tax adjustment measures, these will be pursued, as we have raised, but many wondered what new things are going to offer that is what my experience tells me that we should try to bring different or new, in the first place we go in search of a Defense System Q5 in this case for our area and not for financial gain, and continue production of Q5 hospitals, state enterprises were closed Q1 Hospital, and rethink the arms company to eventually raise it to level it sought to continue the manufacturing Venezuela program, and seek new foreign companies importing their products to us, trying to reduce the cost of raw materials, and therefore of the finished products such as houses and Food among others, while continuing my original project, along the march will take additional measures or for the benefit of the nation, I believe my plan is a future project that is looking for an improvement to the nation, also be deployed credits for companies that emerged was a proposal for the government but not implemented as we'd like to believe that the country needs to take this route.

Another idea I have for this second term is to suggest that schools teach and explain the guidelines, as the constitution also make them available to citizens for the knowledge and the spread of this, which is necessary.

My Government supports the citizenship laws as they currently are proposed, and others that promote the direct application of the constitution and proceed to draft the Organic Law of the Executive Branch to implement and carry out what he says and explains our constitution regarding the executive.

Then what will I put my ministerial train in the next government is elected.

Cabinet Government:
1) Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Due to the necessity of maintaining communication with our alliances, this ministry is reactivated Position:

• Castiel_Panamá: Current Minister of Education and Work, president of PDV and congressman.

2) Ministry of Military Power: Currently the position is played Lesmes Ledezma, but due to his role as Supreme Commander of the AHA at the moment can not continue with the charge, which compels us to seek a new minister of defense, this charge is open to competition, Pere Lesmes continue as a consultant.

• Marco A: eVenezolana Community member since Beta, low political participation, current presidential candidate.
• Lesmes Ledezma: Current Defense Minister, Supreme Commander of the AHA, former President of eVenezuela, serious charge of Defense Counsel.

3) Ministry of Economy: This charge was proposed by two persons at the beginning of my period but due to different situations was only played by Jesus Hernandez, who has had a good job thus continuing in office as minister, and open a position of economic adviser.

• Jesus Hernandez: Former President of eVenezuela, Minister of economy in the last term, and former advisor, Congressman.
• Richard Valencia: Venezuelan businessman, and Food Company Q1.

4) Ministry of Education and Work: Currently the office has been played successfully by Castiel Panama, but because of its need in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls for a new occupant of this position.
• James Ivy Citizen member DP can be helpful for the country (TBC)

As observed although my current ministers continue within the government, come to occupy new positions and opens the opportunity for others to play pass government positions, with the necessary advice they may provide.

Jesus Rafael Rosas Olavide - Currently President of eVenezuela.