Burgenland , Carinthia and MPP with Netherland

Day 889, 05:20 Published in Austria Croatia by 89Djani

Today i have to talk about seven points


1. Burgenland
2. Carinthia
3. Mpp with Netherland
4. Austrian Army
5. Pro Patria Österreich at Congress Elections
6. How to join in eAustrian Chat (important)
7. Baby Boom(again, again , again)


1. Burgenland

oh Yeah Austria is nearly free only Carinthia we need this we would become back today at night oh yeah.

After Hungary is under attack from Croatia and Romania and is nearly destroyed we decided to tank in Burgenland thx to Alfred Ball. Thanks to the Croatians that come to fight on our side to become back our Region.

Here you can see the statistic what for people fight for Austria :

Here you can see the statistic the people that fight against Austria:

And last a summary of the battle :

Here is a World Map from Europe :

May this be a step into the betterment of eAustria, let's hope to get Carinthia back soon, and reunite eAustria!

Good job, Austrian Army!

PrinceOfAustria, Minister of Defense


2. Carinthia

After we becomed back Burgenland Carinthia is the last Region who is occupied by the enemies yesterday has a RW started in Carinthia.

Here we can see that the ofc Orders from the Croatian MOD is to fight RED and give back Austria their regions :

I want to mention Carinthia, the region is to me very at heart. In this region, I've started over a year to play. In real life I am living in Carinthia, Klagenfurt.

So let hoped today to can write about a article about AUSTRIA IS FREE like Leopold Figl 😃


3. MPP with Netherland

Yesterday the President of Netherland proposed a MPP with Austria I am sure the first what you think yess its okay one more mpp thats good but the real reason we can read in one of this article :

Vote no MPP


or in this one

MPP Proposal Kaiser

I will some sentence copy from Kaiser Post:

Ok, so the situation is that the Netherlands proposed to us an MPP that if accepted will cause us to be potentially invaded by Germany.

Thats not political opinion. That is fact. What the hell is wrong with our congress? You dont know anything about this, you dont know what motives, reasons and intentions are behind it yet you blindly vote for this proposal?

I voted No, and I encourage EVERYONE else to vote no aswell. Its utterly ludicrous that our congress cant even be trusted to act responsibly in the event of a proposal.


So i will say to all Congress Member to vote NO !!!


4. Austrian Army

Some days ago started a entlist for the Austrian Citizen here the link for the Newspaper

Who should enlist?
That's the most important part.
EVERY citizen should enlist.
Also those who don't need free weapons, join, it is important for coordination and thus for the success of our country!
It's free – so why should you not enlist?

So Austrian Citizen go to the Article say to PrinceofAustria that you would be a Soldier your benefit is you become Tickets and Weapons for fight and you do something for your Country and unity of it.



Read every day on the MOD orders updates for the current day :
All Informations are in this Article


5. Pro Patria Österreich Congress Election

I will gratulate all my members that come to Congress please come to our Forum and be part of it.

I also gratulate my Girlffriend 😃 Ivana Marich that is now Congress Member.

It is great that my small party become 3 Congress Members.

Djani Ujkan Marich, Susanne Maier, Habsburger

I hope we will do the best for Austria.

News from Pro Patria

Fred Washington has made a forum for Pro patria is under this Adress (forumadress come and join it.

picture from Forum :

If you have no party and dont know where you would join come and join Pro Patria Österreich
Here is a short article about Pro Patria and their Program


6. How to join to eAustrian Chat

In the following Article you can read about Tutorial how to join to eAUstrian chat : How to join eAustrian Chat


7. Baby Boom


So first i would talk about the Prince of Baby Boom he invited from Netlog more than 100 Members i am proud of it if we show at the Sociaty picture below we can see that we have now more than 500 Citizen that is nice really nice .



I would not stop the Programm to invite more and more people in the group in Facebook the name of the group is eÖsterreich das stärkste Land in der Welt. I am proud about the group and many people that has come to erepublik the problem is that only little people come about my link but i hope they would in the near future become lvl 7 than i would donate to AUstrian central Bank the money
The facebook group has 132member invite all your friend from facebook here you can see the picture :


So repeat from my last text please read it do the points and vote the text.

In the last days i am working hard to become ideas about the new Baby Boom.
I have last time in the newspaper read that more than 1 million people in Austria use Facebook, and than i become the idea that Facebook is the perfect media to enlarge story about erepublik and eAustria. First i will say that i will give from every man that register to erepublik over my Link and come to Lvl 6 i would pay 2 gold to the ACB. I have maked a fan page with the name eÖsterreich das stärkste Land in der Welt what mean eAustria the strenghest Land in the World.

Now i need from our existing Austrian people only one MINUT and your Facebook Profil not more !!!


1. Go to the following Fan page
2. Klick on "become Fan".
3. Klick now on "suggest to Friends".
4. Now when the list ist open you should copy the following link in the adress bar where you writte the link from a web page like www.erepublik.com www.facebook.com etc..:

javascript:elms=document.getElementById('friends').getElementsByTagName('li');for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] === 'object'){fs.click(elms[fid]);}}

it looks like them :

5. Now Klick on enter

6. After all friends are marked blue klick on "send invitations"


With this method you have invited all friends to become fan of eÖsterreich das stärkste Land in der Welt. I would there often send invitations Link to Erepublik and hope that a lot of people would come to the game and help us to become Austria bigger and bigger. I would from every player that come to the level 6 donate to ACB 2 Gold. and from every Medal 3 Gold.

I will not to become only a vote i need the people that would invite people to the game if you not wanna help me than dont give me a vote. I hope the project would success.

I think that this is not a problem for everybody to do the six steps, the time is come to make a action like this.
Come guy's lets go to facebook invite our friends and help eAustria ...!!!

P.S. it would be good that every body read about erepublik anything on the fanpage but dont spam only with our refferal links.


Sincerely ,
Djani Ujkan Marich Future President


My last articles:
Pro Patria Österreich Partei
Next presidental Elections

Djani for President 5.4.2010
I am not a PTO
Ein paar Überlegungen / Think about it
Anti TO Congressial Elections 25.4.2010

Its Time to prepare a realy Baby Boom
Baby Boom , hospital , Voralberg
Baby Boom , Hospital , Tyrol


My prepared Tutorials

eAustria Starterguide for new players
Forum and Chat channel in the World


My opinion today

http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/761/021elch.jpg" width="1800" height="1200" />

