BMP PP and some views about eBelgium

Day 1,847, 13:35 Published in Belgium Austria by Kaad

Some days before the PP elections, I want to introduce myself about my candidacy at Belgian Monarchist Party presidence

Active since summer, I'm still learning about the game. Patriot in game, belgian in real life, I'm happy to see a game were we can have an influence as a citizen of a country. I discovered the job of ambassador, I sometimes go on the french forum to give them informations about our country structure. I'm fighting for the Belgian Training Academy and quite only for Belgium and its allies (Best damage in campaign was while I fought for Chile). 4 BH and 3 Patriot Medals, I want always more...

This will be my 4th run for presidency (won in September, 2nd in October, won in November). I'm not an extremist, and I want the best for Belgium, as some party president don't. I want, with other party, to keep the intrest of a great eBelgium. The power of our party is not high but I think I could have an influence, I could do something. I'm for a free market but centered in Belgium, I'm for the governement full help to young , active and motivate players. Now I'm running again for december's elections, but now to act as a real president and try to make the party growing, to share our valors: respect, mutual help, keep the intrests of the country and of course have fun! Because it's a game!

Will I be a CP candidate soon? Well, let's first work as, why ever not, a minister, and then see.

eBelgium is lucky! We have a good community, with new players also motivated. I won't say too many names, only the most importants:
- Stijn Puttemans: working hard every day to distribute supplies to eBelgians. Active since less time than me, he quickly grew and is now very important in eBelgium's life
- Tony Cliffor😛 he is not really a very new player, but I wanted to put him in this list. He is rulling ATO party and I think he could become soon a good CP
- ikikere: very active citizen, writing articles but need to know lots of things. Let see if he can improve the quality of his articles but I really beleive that he will become a great eBelgian citizen.
- Beaver Juice: what could we say about him? Very active, good start for this new citizen. He is learning very quickly, has good opinions and wants to keep the intrest of eBelgium -> my definition of the best eRepublik's player.