Beaver Action!

Day 2,645, 12:09 Published in Canada Canada by Thedillpickl

Hi kids!

We were trying to live a lie.

Beavers are not naturally clean shaven. They are hairy, smelly creatures that inhabit the backwaters and small tributaries across the land. We take over our environment, building to suit our needs and redirect the way things flow.

Example of an unshaved Beaver.

Yep, Beavers like to change things. Some people like the changes, some don't. Beavers create a habitat that can support a wide range of inhabitants. Beavers are tolerant of their neighbors as long as they are not interfered with.

Watch out, there are Beavers everywhere!

DAL Merger

Not a heck of a lot to say about this. T.E. approached me regarding a possible merger. Our parties have very similar goals. Our personalities are compatible. The only thing that neither had were the numbers to be a Top 5 party.

Actual video of the merger as it happened in real time.

What To Look For

Working with new players will be a priority. Teaching how politics is done from the grass roots level on up is our aim. Having the same old people doing the same old job is not exactly growth oriented but we don't plan on throwing the baby out with the bathwater either. We're not looking to replace Canada's leadership, we want to add to that leadership. Beavers build on the existing infrastructure to make it more than it was before.

Planned improvement.

Considering A Change?

Flip a coin... I bet it comes up Beaver!