BB for eBiH

Day 1,303, 11:14 Published in China Croatia by vedo95

English version for eChina

As most know eBiH unsuccessfully initiated action to finally get BB.
There have been many attempts to issue article in BiH’s most visited portal, but most of these attempts failed, mainly due to the inability to get the money that we needed.
Now we have the opportunity to finally issue a much-desired article, totally free.

In order to get the article, we should do them a favor which they will return us with an article. All what we should do is, on page go to this link and vote for the band Polaroid Trip and collect approx. 200 votes.

So it is necessary to do the following:

1. Go to this LINK

2. Select band Polaroid Trip

3. Enter your e-mail

4. In your mail you will receive confirmation link which then must be confirmed by clicking on it (it’s important that you confirm the vote)

5. The procedure is possible again after 24 hours

If we manage to collect at least 200 votes, the SA-X will return us the favor and publish an article about eBiH so we can finally try to make BB.

Bosanska verzija za eBiH

Kao sto vecina zna dugo se bezuspjesno pokrece akcija kako bi eBiH konacno dobila BB.
Bilo je mnogo pokusaja da izdamo clanak na najcitanijem portalu u BiH, ali je vecina tih pokusaja propala,uglavnom zbog nemogucnosti da se skupi novac koji nam je bio potreban.
Sada nam se otvorila mogucnost da konacno izdamo toliko zeljeni clanak i to potpuno besplatno.

Naime radi se o situaciji da mi njima napravimo uslugu koju bi zatim oni nama uzvratili clankom. Ono sto mi treba da uradimo je da na starnici odemo na ovaj link i glasamo za band Polaroid Trip te sakupimo cca. 200 glasova.

Dakle potrebno je uraditi sljedece:

1. Otici na ovaj LINK

2. Odabrati band Polaroid Trip

3. Unjeti svoj e-mail

4. Na svoj mail dobicete konfirmacijski link koji je zatim potrebno potvrditi klikom na isti

5. Postupak je moguce ponoviti nakon 24 sata

Ukoliko uspijemo da sakupimo bar 200 glasova, SA-X ce nam uzvratiti uslugu za glasanje i objaviti nam clanak o eBiH kako bi konacno probali da napravimo BB.
