Australia at war!

Day 839, 18:02 Published in Australia Canada by ADS94

Ships of the Royal Australian Navy steam Westward towards South Africa to provide support for ground troops. Music for this article.

My fellow Australians,

As Australia goes to war outside our home territory for the first time with Prime Minister Cerb leading the charge, we have attacked a section of South Africa that I cannot and never will be able to pronounce, so it will be known from now as ZuluZulu Nation.

Australian Commando Unit Koala's walk through South African jungles in search of Argentinians.

As a nation, this is a great time in history. Never before has our national moral been this high, this is my dream of a perfect Australia, powerful on the world scale, claiming our independence as a nation - united as one. We share a dream, and say with one voice; I am am, you are: We are Australian.

Now more than ever we must throw away petty arguments about parties, and who attacked who. We are a nation that can overcome this differences to band together to create one unstoppable force. That force goes by only one name: Australians.

Australian Armed Reserve forces march towards battle.

Be you a citizen, a military junkie, or a political guru; Now is the time to act as a country, we are no longer a group of States and a Territory, we are now a country. It's time to act as one, whole sovereign nation.

An Australian machine gunner at a new checkpoint in ZuluZulu Nation.

I thank you all and may we all Advance Australia Fair!
Senator Frymonmon
Hail Australia!
Hail EDEN!