Assessment of my eCharacter and eLife

Day 927, 10:40 Published in Canada Canada by Petz

well despite the offer of a reward for its return, it appears that the q3 house that was bought off the market for 1 CAD is not being returned.

Although I am sad I have already started to save up for a new one for myself. I would like to thank those that offered their support and especially panda for the offer of helping me out. I have received a q1 house from my cuz to keep me going.

For close to 18 months I have been active in this game and during that time I could have stockpiled thousands of gold but chose to use my funds to help out many new players. In fact several of them have become veteran players and important people in our community. To be honest, my stupidity in this situation by trying to help has left me wondering if it is still worth helping out so many others.

I thought long and hard but eventually decided that the true canadian way of helping is still the right thing to do. So I guess eLife goes on.....would love to have you all over to my eHouse but unfortunately my q1 is too small for the party that all good ecanadians deserve 😛.
