As I take a step back...

Day 2,410, 03:40 Published in Australia Australia by Send love to Plato

G’Day Aussies,

Well I just thought I’d clear a few thoughts out of my head before I step down from eAustralian Cabinet positions, yep you read that right. For the first time in my time in eAustralia, well since the very first month that i arrived, i will not hold a cabinet position. It seems weird and sounds funny but I think I have only ever applied for one Cabinet position in my time in this game and each time/each month i was approached and asked to run this or continue doing that. But the time has come for me to take a huge step back and concentrate on party politics and just work, train and fight.

I have my critics but i have always put Australian interests above my own, in fact there have been days when i’ve been stuck on this all day when i needed sleep and not long finished a nightshift just to sort eAustralian business. Those testing occasions are genuinely too many to count and I wouldn’t want to in case i realise this is just a game and break down in tears. The one thing that scares me more than anything eRep related was how close this eAustralia came to dying…

During March and the disastrous incident when two female cabinet ministers lead a serious and personal attack on our then CP, our CP announced he was leaving that day. Gone. Done with the game and left. So we began the Impeachment so the election Runner up - Tim Holtz could step up and carry on as we were about to start the process of applying to Asteria/LETO, we had no regions, no friends and no MPP’s. The Non Aggression Pact which earned us a a region with Chile was collapsing as they were breaking the terms and even our then Minister of Defence was branding the Government cowards and unfit Australians for even signing the agreement. Senate in their wisdom voted against the Impeachment of our now admittedly Inactive President so we had no official button presser and wouldn’t for the remainder of the month...basically we were up shot creek without a paddle. Tim rearranged the cabinet and fired the two people in question and then Tim decided he had had enough and was leaving as well hours after the failed impeachment but before he did he wanted to blow the treasury on a final war against Chile by hiring mercenaries and putting out campaign end it in a blaze of glory as all Australians would be going over to ‘’that other game’’. Of course all that would have done is left fyrom or/and Indo to Natural Enemy us and just retake those we’d be regionless, friendless and literally broke.In an IRC chat I managed to pursade Tim to leave the treasury and with me as vCP in charge i would try to keep the place ticking over, and personally i think i did a good job and i even bowed to an elected senate even though i personally could have pulled my remainding hair out with some of their decisions. I got the foundations laid that month for our LETO membership and managed to get us some heavy hitting MPP’s.

Since then I’ve been CP, carried on running the young player scheme with Claire and run the Department of Defence twice as well as the Department of Education and Entertainment and spent many hours on Foreign Affairs amongst a few other things, but I think now is the time to step back and lets others have a go. Of course there are a few people i am glad i don’t have to correspond with no more, you can guess one or two, and they are the usual suspects who claim we get no help from allies, eAus is a dictatorship, the place is run badly etc etc blah blah. Well now is your chance to step up and brake this ‘’North Korean dictatorship’’ with it’s Senate elections, CP elections, Party President elections and forum mods and admin elections...DAMN YOUR TYRANNY eAUSTRALIA...DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL! On a footnote to any young players who might read comments from a couple of older players who always complain we don’t get help on the International stage - in the past three months we have had two Asterian nations try to liberate us with airstrikes, another nation tried to push towards us and help us but sadly couldn’t produce enough damage and were beaten back, we have had priority status in Asteria and LETO when launching our airstrike and...and...when we landed in Jizan and faced two RW’s lead by those utter lowlifes fyrom we have had full support and even Greece delayed one of their battles to prioritise us...make no mistake if we didn’t have friends and their support we would still be off the map so please do not give these claims any attention.

I won’t lie there have been times I was close to walking from this game, especially at the utter spite shown by fyrom recently who i do have no time for’. They are a community bar one or two individuals who are lead by liars who don’t want to just see a small community wiped, but want to see us leave the game. Indonesia feel the same but you know where you stand with Indonesia and they won’t pretend to be friendly...unlike fyrom who did until it came to handing over the rent they agreed to pay for taking our regions without Australian resistance...I genuinely look forward to the day when they do get wiped off the map again and suffer the same fate they deem us worthy of.

I think i have put more into Australia then i have got back from her, financially i definitely have as i have only received 10 gold in all my time from a CP win and a single senate run, and I donate that much each month to the JDS. Along with Claire we took on a dead young player scheme and it is now envied in a good few countries (even copied in one major one), the DoD has been more active than it has been in years, LETO membership and closer ties to some big hitting countries and i managed to be the one who finally brought regularly elected mods and admins to Australia’s national forums and achieved what many tried and failed to do...most recently i am the guy who brought a lot of discord to Aurora who had little Australia as a number One priority and ignored other important battles with other Aurora members due to their fyrom SG not liking me...Dr Hugh The Insulter’’ he branded me. I like that name and it did cause a lot of anger with how Aurora was being used as a personal vehicle of vendetta by fyrom.

So the first time in over a year i will be looking to join a pro-Asteria/LETO MU and get, a year without supplies, and i’ll still help out the Australian Democratic Party but please don’t see this timing as not being an endorsement for Sherlock Holmes and his current CP run. I assure you he’ll have my vote and I will shout for votes for him on July 5th, I can’t think of a more suitable candidate who can take this place forward and build upon what we have achieved recently.

So, all of you who held back helping Australia and using the excuse of holding back because of have an open invitation to step up and for those few of you who think Australia could be better run by just Aussies than by ‘’Pommie b’stards’’ may i kindly remind you that for the last few months it has been Pommies keeping this place afloat and it would be dead if it wasn’t for us Pommies. No senate, no regions, no alliance, no airstrike, no cash in the treasury, no Australia on the map...dead at the hands of Australians. Not bad as well especially since a few old Aussies believed that the other candidate when i was running for CP was eAustralia’s last hope and I would kill this place.

Stay classy and remember to fight not just for Australia, because how can you expect help when you won’t help others?