Arkansas and Brad Gwatney

Day 1,677, 19:03 Published in USA USA by Brad Gwatney

Home of the Razorbacks!

Hello Great Citizens of Arkansas!

Arkansas State Flag

As you may have known or not known, Congressional Elections for the Month of June are here. That's right June 25 is upon us. On this great day I would like the support from each and everyone of you, to vote for me as your congressional Representative. As a real life native of Arkansas, I believe I am the best candidate for the job of representing Arkansas.

Arkansas State

I have been around the game for over a year now and I want to be there for the citizens of this great country and state. I want to help them and I think I got what it takes to become a great member of congress. So therefore I come before you the citizens of Arkansas to serve and produce my credintials.

Arkansas State Seal Seal

First off, I have had military experience. I have been part of the United States Training Corps, in the JCS Military for 13 months now. Since I have joined the USTC I have worked my way up through the ranks and now serve as the Training Corps Executive Officer at the Rank of LT. General. In this position, I command lots of new and old soldiers and officers who want to have successful military careers. I mentor, answer questions, and try to make these soldiers become the best military members I can. Along with the command staff, I have also set many high goals for the USTC and continue to try to complete these goals every day.

United States Training Corps

Next, I am a very self motivated person and work to achieve everything I set out to do. I am very goal oriented and set high goals to complete. I am also a very dedicated person. I will be dedicated to you, the People of this Great State. I want to be in congress and represent everyone for the good of all! I will use my US citizenship's for the greater good of the country and actively participate in congressional discussions.

Goals Checklist

Lastly, I would like to talk about my political career. I joined the AMP almost a year ago. Since that time I have served 6 terms in the legal department. For the first month, I got my feet wet as the Deputy Legal Director. The next four months and I was proud to serve the AMP in the capacity of Legal Director. After that time, I became an Honorary Round Table Member, serving to advise the Round Table. This month, I have came back to the role as Legal director. As the legal director of the AMP, it is my job to maintain the constitution and to ensure that all Round Table members do not abuse their powers. Finally in this role, it is my job to advise the Round Table of AMP of the legal aspects within the party and in the nation.

Dedication Speech

In conclusion, when going to the polls in Arkansas, please make sure you vote for me, Brad Gwatney the representative running in for the AMP Party! If you do not live or vote in Arkansas, please make sure vote for any other AMP candidate on the 25th. If you need to know where to vote on the 25th, just look for an AMP PAC Representative in #AMP.PAC They won't let you down.

Vote for Brad Gwatney in Arkansas