Are You Experienced?

Day 2,325, 18:47 Published in USA USA by Silas Soule

Live Sharp Look Smart

"Freedom-socialist music is like a country, almost a religion."
-- Iggy "Little Winner" Toylit, after spending a month touring with the SFP

Hi all. As usual, I've been idling my days away...

You know, the usual stuff of a freedom socialist's life on the road...

Jogging on the beach at Malibu with my free-range mutts, Lutero and Calvino, between jamming at one of those little dives in Half Moon Bay and doing a few free gigs at that wacky weed-farm commune up near the Bear Creek Arsenal.

Lutero and Calvino

And, like, you know...

On an especially sunny day, sailing out beyond the Gate in Bill Galaxia's 48-foot racing sloop, listening to him ramble on and on about his space jaunts and why cats should never be considered "pets".

Or one of my favorite pastimes...

Shooting the shit with some old ex-junky pals about post-post-modern theories of capital accommodation by making ironic-sounding, but not really ironic, references to 21st-century modes of rapid-communication-alienation, the so-called "social media", dontcha know, in Dolores Park all while another old geezer who claims to be related to Mojo Nixon circumambulates around and around and around us reciting random lines from one of those impromptu spoken-word jams I did with Eric Boucher and Gary Floyd back in Seattle in '99 after we'd all driven up like in a mad frenzy from a night of chanting in Santa Cruz to join in the uprising...

Ah. Jello.

Yeah. Good times, good times.

Hey! ...

"Human speech is like a cracked kettle on which we tap crude rhythms for bears to dance to, while we long to make music that will melt stars."

Remember that one!? Yeah..


Anyway. It suddenly occurred to me the other day that I've never really expressed myself completely on the topic of what the eUSA might sound like if it transformed itself into a Socialist Freedom Experience.

And not one to sit too long harboring un-fulfilled desires, well, dang it, here's my take on it...

Sit back. Relax. Let the wonder wash over you. And picture something like this....

HOLA Chica! And WELCOME to the Socialist Freedom Experience!

We are open to All

The Socialist Freedom Experience is open to all players who accept the following basic principles without any type of discrimination.

Welcome to Democracy 2.0

Here at the Socialist Freedom Experience we celebrate the fundamental human equality of our worker-member-visitor-citizens. Our rights to be, to play, to possess and to know imply voluntary participation in a democratically organized community based on the sovereignty of the General Assembly, its elected governing bodies and in collaboration with a network of locally presiding collaborative-organizational structures.

Here we celebrate the sovereignty of Desire

Desire is the main factor transforming nature, society, the game world -- and players themselves. As a result, full economic sovereignty is attached to desire. We work and create in order to serve desire. Our produce and services are distributed in terms of both a fair reward for the work performed and the satisfaction of the desires expressed. In such a community, there is naturally a will to extend available job options to all members of the community, just as there is a will to create new job options in order to meet new desires.

And we subordinate the role of capital to Desire

Within the Socialist Freedom Experience, capital is merely an instrument rather than an end in itself. It is subordinate to desire. Capital is necessary for development and therefore we understand it to be worthy of a fair and suitable remuneration which is linked directly neither to profits nor to the desires obtained via its instrumentation. The availability of capital is subordinate to the continuity and development of the community. Its role in regulating our economy is limited.

Participatory directorship

The steady development of self-management and, consequently, of citizen-member-player-worker participation in all areas of social, economic, military, cultural and economic management requires the nurturing of adequate mechanisms for participation, as well as the transparent exchange of semantically-rich information, plus thorough consultation and fair negotiation, and the consistent application of training plans and promotions.

Paycheck solidarity

Sufficient and fair pay for work is a basic principle of our libertarian-syndicalist experience. Furthermore, a minimum, living income provides the scaffolding for all to engage their vocations in a framework of sufficient collective social promotions and in accordance with real collective possibilities and necessities. It is entirely possible to have economic fairness at all levels within a dynamic and sustainable economic system, in much the same way that many families operate, but on a larger scale.


Both social solidarity and business efficiency make the principle of inter-cooperation self-evident. Between individuals, between individuals and their local cooperatives and organization, between subgroups, between the Socialist Freedom Experience as a whole and other types of cooperative organizations and frameworks, and between the cooperative, anarko-syndicalist, libertarian-communist, freedom-socialist and other similar movements in the eAmericas, in eEurope, eAfrica, eAsia, the ePacific and in eLocal Space.

Social transformation

The Socialist Freedom Experience is willing, ready and able to ensure fair social transformation for all players everywhere in the eUniverse by expanding our efforts and assisting in the growth of other collaborative processes that help towards dignified economic and social reconstruction and in the construction of a freer, fairer and more caring eAmerican and eRepublikan societies.


We are in solidarity with all those everywhere, in all times and places, who desire or who have ever desired economic democracy in the naturally collaborative areas of the Social Economy by adopting the objectives of Dignity, Justice and Player Development which are inherent to the entire eGlobal Anarcko-Syndicalist Movement (the eGASM) and all of its partners.


Finally, as we seek to promote the establishment of these principles, it is essential to set aside sufficient human and financial resources for education at all levels: cooperative/communal, professional/specialist and youth/newbie.

Thanks for your attention and we hope you enjoy your time in the Socialist Freedom Experience!

"A place in the valley and an old house in the place,
And in the house, lots of friends, neighbors, family, visitors, fresh bread and love:
Hoo-whee, what happiness!

"Oh. And a loaded shot-gun by the door."

-- Mabel Quinn, grandmother of Phoenix Quinn, describing the vision of socialist desire that she often used to share with her best friend Wilhelmina Galaxia, who was Bill Galaxia's grandmother, as they sat by the fire in the old house, threatening to set each other's flags on fire.

Oh. One or two last editorial words, please, if you don't mind...

Yeah, friends: kindly refrain from posting earnest comments about how this kind of thing would be "impossible". Just stick with the usual funny stuff, OK?

I know. I know. I know it's impossible. I know these principles are just some wild fantasy and could never possibly in a million-zillion years be anywheres close to say, any actual principles used to organize a real growing cooperative that's been around over 60 years, surviving both fascism and neo-liberalism to employ over 80,000 people in finance, industry, retail and knowledge work and serve as an inspiration to people around the world. That would -- obviously -- be just nutso.

So just take it for granted that I already know that.

And of course it would be even crazier to think anything like this could ever work "in game". Because we know that Admin tightly controls every aspect, every iota, every fiber, of our dreams and desires with an unbreakable iron claw. Even when we are sound asleep in deep REM-dreaming sleep. And that there is no point in even thinking of any alternatives like this, ever, never, ever, period, the end, because it is both impossible and unthinkable. So don't even think about it.

And hey, remember this one?...

"Watch all what you tell them to
Iko iko unday
Cause we ain't do what you tell us to
Now you can jockomo feena nay"
