APP Annoucement! Infowar will run for CP this term

Day 2,431, 12:31 Published in Australia Australia by Infowar

I had not initially planned on running for CP this term, but certain events have occurred which have opened the doors for me to run earlier than I had anticipated. There are certain things happening behind the scenes in government which I am unable to talk about right now that will continue onto the next term, and the current CP will not be able to run again next term due to RL commitments. Our current CP has recommended that I should run, and after I took some time to think about it, I decided that unless Claire Louise or Dr Hugh Jardon will run next term, then I would step up to the podium.

I just wanted to get the announcement out there early so it would prepare everyone in eAustralia and in APP in particular, knowing that there is now an APP presidential candidate. For everyone else in eAustralia, I will be providing more details as the presidential elections get closer.

On a final note, I just want to stress that if I am elected CP, I will be serving this nation to the fullest of my abilities, and I will be carrying out my duties with the utmost honor and dignity.