Answer to "The PTO is Complete" article

Day 1,222, 09:50 Published in New Zealand Brazil by Captain HueHueLand
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The original article was published by the player Runningtings
it is quite short so i`ll do C/P here:

"Well its taken a while to achieve a 100% take-over but the eSerb exiles have finally managed it by strategically spreading themselves over 5 political parties, thus pushing out the PnPP and the SSP from the top 5.

This means that the PnPP or the SSP cannot run any candidates in this month's Congressional elections, and therefore means that the eSerbs will now be able to control 100% of Congress and therefore all law and economic policy.

Its a sad day for eNew Zealand, which I think may drive the rest of us non eSerbs to pastures new."


“Well its taken a while to achieve a 100% take-over but the eSerbexiles have finally managed it by strategically spreading themselves over 5 political parties, thus pushing out the PnPP and the SSP from the top 5.”

Results after the Congressional elections 25.03.2011

8/40 eSlovenians 20%
1/40 eMacedonian 2,5%
1/40 eAustralian 2.5%
1/40 eSAR 2.5%
29/40 eSerbs 72,5%

Aotearoa one of the top 5 PP has only one eSerb
Ranginui top 5 PP less than 10%

“This means that the PnPP or the SSP cannot run any candidates in this month's Congressional elections, and therefore means that the eSerbs will now be able to control 100% of Congress and therefore all law and economic policy.”

Like we did not have the control and before.

Noting will change, the only difference is that some ppl from P`n`PP won`t get their C medals that is it, noting else.

And who is to blame? eSerbs? Why? Guilty is on the leadership of the P`n PP

Bass Junkie do the TO of the Aotearoa party, the blame for that goes on ex Aotearoa leadership. Why? We did not see it coming.
It was expected that ex members of the Aotearoa do a little vengeance, target was Bass and Aotearoa party. It was pretty clear to everyone accept the P`n`PP leadership.
2 days before the elections 4 parties are start to getting more and more members it was pretty clear, that something is going on. Bass knew it , he saw it , and he was prepared, he got his reward for that, in the shape of the new C medal, good work Bass. P`n`PP was collateral damage from Bass vs exAotearoa members clash.
But i say it is deserve punishment for helping Bass in TO. Leadership of the P`n`PP says that they don`t have noting to do with Bass`s TO and i believe them to the one point. Few days after the TO i got the msg from the leader of the P`nPP where he expressed disagreement with the bass TO and assuring me that the P`n`PP leadership has nothing to do with it. I believe in that. But i don`t believe that they did not know for TO before it happened , Bass was asking ppl on forum for TO and few of the P`n`PP members help him. So they are guilty to the one point and got punished for that.

And at the end....who are the winners and who are the losers?

Bass Junkie.....double winner, successful TO of the Aotearoa PP, and successful in avoid exAotearoa`s members vengeance.
exAotearoa...... fail in push down Aotearoa from top5 , but with consolation prize 97.5% congress places
P`n`PP losers....leadership did not have the ability to see the changes and react to prevent relegation from top 5

But at the end we all lose, we lose ppl like CrusaderCarl, Xanthar Zaiban..etc in congress, we lose good and interesting election battle. I hope for the last time. We play this game for fun and believe me it is not fun winning like this.

As the little Stanly says:

We all learn something today..... Bass that crime does pays off as long you play smart...exAotearoa members that if you play fair all the time, people will take advantage of it...and P`n`PP people that If you want to fool people who fought in RL against 19 NATO countries, you have to be much smarter (like Bass) and ready for everything.

Yours KdS